Kudos to Clif Bars
Clif Bars is one company in the healthy snacking arena that KIND inhabits that I find a very worthy and also admirable player in the space. Here they came up with a very creative and positive contribution against environmental waste. Not sure how far this can get us but it is definitely a step in the right direction, smart marketing, innovative, and beneficial…
TerraCycle & Clif Bar Energy Bar Wrapper Brigade
Sponsored by Clif Bar™
Every year millions of non-recyclable energy bar wrappers end up in our landfills. TerraCycle and Clif Bar are working together to change that. As an eco-friendly innovator, TerraCycle is going to convert the used wrappers into unique accessories and other upcycled products.
Once you have signed up for the Wrapper Brigade, TerraCycle will mail out 4 prepaid collection bags to your address. Once a collection bag is filled with 200 wrappers please seal and drop off the filled bag at a UPS drop off location near you.
The Wrapper Brigade program will allow almost any individual and organization to save energy bar wrappers from taking up space in our nations landfills. Clif Bar will donate $.02 per energy bar wrapper you collect to the charity of your choice. If you don’t have a charity currently in mind, you may choose from a list of existing charities! There are no signup fees whatsoever. To see if this program is right for you, click here for some FAQs.
Acceptable Wrappers
Unacceptable Wrappers
To sign up, please click here. One to two weeks after you respond to your confirmation email, you will receive 4 collection bags that hold 200 energy bar wrappers each. Please refer to the FAQs before signing up. For any questions, send an email to info@terracycle.net or call 609-393-4252 x 36.
You must follow the link in the confirmation email to activate your account.
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