Into the tank

Published under Entrepreneurship and Management Sep 13, 2019

After years of watching Shark Tank from my couch, I am excited to dive into the tank as a Guest Shark for the Season 11 premiere!

Here is how sugar is hiding in your snacks

Published under Health Apr 12, 2019

Parents being misled over kids’ snacks

Published under Health Apr 08, 2019

The need for greater transparency in the food industry is not just in the US.

“Poor diet is associated with 1 in 5 deaths worldwide, according to a new, large study.”

Feed the Truth Update

Published under Health, Introspection Apr 03, 2019

Two years ago, we announced the launch of Feed the Truth, an independent organization with a mission to improve public health by making truth, transparency and integrity the foremost values in today’s food system. To uphold the organization’s autonomy, I have not been involved in Feed the Truth’s strategic planning since pledging the initial funds. [...]

“What we eat now is a greater cause of disease & death in the world than either tobacco or alcohol.” The world is moving to consume more of everything, especially over processed, empty calorie foods, and the impact is staggering. We have to make a change.  

“We can’t do everything. Let’s prioritize and do a few things really well.” I’m so thankful for this advice and countless other lessons from KIND Snacks’ outgoing COO & President John Leahy over our 9 year partnership. John was a particularly good partner because he recognized that ideas and creativity are important – indeed vital – to [...]

Back at Trinity

Published under Entrepreneurship and Management Feb 28, 2019

Back when I was an undergrad at Trinity University I started a watch company called Da’Leky Times. It taught me a ton about business and retail merchandising that has helped me throughout my career. This week, I got to revisit my old campus and meet the next generation of Trinity entrepreneurs, including three first year [...]

Published under Entrepreneurship and Management Oct 26, 2018

I loved comparing notes on the highs and lows of  entrepreneurship with one of the best – Ron Shaich, founder of Panera Bread. We found so many parallels in our journeys.

Here’s a story from The New York Times that I thought you’d find interesting. Gazans and Israel could have made peace before. Now, demographic and ecosystem issues add urgency. By Thomas L. Friedman Princess Diana once famously observed that there were three people in her marriage, “so it was a bit crowded.” The same is [...]