The benefits of a plant based diet

Aug 26, 2011 Published under Health

Food Business News has reported on a study that appeared in the Journal of the American Medical Association which claims that plant based diets lower “bad” cholesterol.  People who stuck to a plant based diet experienced a greater reduction in LDL (“bad” cholesterol) compared to those who maintained a low-saturated fat diet.  Read more below to see  why eating nuts is better  than low fat diets against bad cholesterol.

Spotted by Daniel Lubetzky, by Adeena Schlussel



Plant-based diet lowers L.D.L more than low-fat diet, Aug. 24, 2011

by Jeff Gelski

TORONTO — People who followed a plant-based diet that incorporated plant sterols, soy protein, viscous fibers and nuts had more of a reduction in L.D.L., or “bad” cholesterol, than those who followed a low-saturated fat diet in a study in Canada that appeared in the Aug. 24 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association.

People in the study received dietary advice for 6 months on either a low-saturated fat therapeutic diet or the plant-based diet. People on the low-fat diet were given advice focused on low-fat dairy and whole grain cereals together with fruits and vegetables and avoidance of specific portfolio components in the other diet. The people taking the plant-based diet were divided into two groups. One group made two clinic visits over 6 months. The other plant-based group had a more intensive dietary portfolio and made seven clinic visits over 6 months.

L.D.L. fell 13.8% for people in the intensive, plant-based diet group as the mean L.D.L. dropped to 145 from 171. L.D.L. fell 13.1% for people in the other plant-based diet group as the mean L.D.L. dropped to 148 from 173. L.D.L fell 3% for people on the low-fat diet as the mean L.D.L. dropped to 161 from 167.

The study was conducted between 2007 and 2009 and involved academic centers in Quebec City, Que.; Toronto; Winnipeg, Man.; and Vancouver, B.C. The final analysis included 83 people in the intensive, plant-based diet group, 94 people in the other plant-based diet group and 90 people in the low-saturated fat diet group.

The study measured results for other factors besides L.D.L. cholesterol. Mean decreases for total cholesterol were 225 from 252 for people in the intensive, plant-based diet group, 230 from 256 for people in the other plant-based diet group and 246 from 249 for people in the low-saturated fat diet group. A mean decrease in H.D.L., “good” cholesterol, was 53 from 55 for people in the intensive, plant-based diet group. H.D.L. “good” cholesterol remained at 54 for people in the other plant-based diet group and also at 54 for people in the low-saturated fat diet group.

Mean decreases in saturated fat consumption per day were 14 grams from 20 grams for the intensive, plant-based diet group, 14 grams from 19 grams for the other plant-based diet group, and 14 grams from 18 grams for the low-saturated fat diet group.

For every 1,000 kcal, people on the intensive, plant-based diet had mean increases of viscous fiber (8.2 grams from 1 gram), plant sterols (0.8 grams from 0 grams) and nuts (31 grams from 12 grams). People on the other plant-based diet had mean increases of viscous fiber (6.1 grams from 0.7 grams), plant sterols (0.6 grams from 0 grams) and nuts (26 grams from 11 grams).

People on the low-saturated fat diet had a mean increase of viscous fiber (1 gram from 0.6 grams). Their mean of nut consumption dropped to 8 grams per 1,000 kcal from 17 grams. Their mean of plant sterol consumption stayed at 0 grams.

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  1. Mitchel said:

    changing your diet to only healthy foods is the best thing you can do and will enruse you will lose weight if combine with walking everyday can eat how much you like if you stay within these 3 guidelines and still lose fat naturally and gradually. You should lose 10lbs each month on only steamed lean meats, eggs, healthy fruits ,vegetables, nuts, grains (Asian basmati or jasmine rice gives lots of energy and can be found at your local oriental/asian market or some super markets), yogurt..2. drink only water, juice, milk..3. walk or do some physical exercise 1-3 hour every day.(btw, recommend you also to buy an electronic food steamer and a rice cooker ((Both Very cheap)) .which, used together make it very easy to prepare very nutritional, healthy meals ,,add a bit of olive oil , diced garlic, pepper, sliced lemon and spices on top of steamed vegeatables, fish or chicken to add more taste if wish as these are healthy too.)

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