Archive for the ‘Innovation’ Category

Interesting article about an innovative marketing strategy that Esquire is trying this coming month.

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I was forwarded this really cool note from a KIND consumer that reached out to us regarding the KINDED movement…

Name: Melissa [last name removed]

E-mail: [removed]


Comment: Hello KIND team,

I happened to discover your "KINDED" card movement through my on-line subscription to "Springwise". It is an amazing way to encourage everyone (especially in this day and age) to take a moment out of our busy schedules to perform an act of kindness and then to encourage the receiver to do the same.

Next September, I will be marrying my best friend and we didn’t want to give out the usual favours that friends and family either leave behind, toss or eat. We wanted a favour that leaves a lasting positive note on our guests and the world we live in. The moment I read the article, there was no doubt that your KINDED cards are IT. Is there any possible way to arrange to have a bulk amount of cards? Approximately 100 to 150? We live in [removed] and we are willing to look at the cost of having these made, shipped, etc…If we could, we’d even include your snacks in our wedding treats but I understand that you can’t ship those outside of the US yet.

Thank you in advance for your consideration and we (eagerly and hopefully) look forward to your reply.

Melissa and Rob

Natalie in our team is following up to coordinate something with them.

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Human Fountain

Published under Art, Funnies, Innovation Oct 09, 2009

Here is a live sculpture we saw in New Orleans


Humans posed as a sculpture of a fountain, with a creative water source.IMG_0789

People were thirsting for their art.

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Big challenge – and need to address and fix it [at KIND and PeaceWorks we are working on several initiatives to make fruits & veggies more convenient without detracting from minimally processed, attractive natural wholesome essence]

Kids Eat Few Fruits, Veggies

WSJ Associated Press

Fewer than 10% of U.S. high-school students are eating the combined recommended daily amount of fruits and vegetables, a finding that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention called "poor" in a report.

The report, based on 2007 data, found that 13% of U.S. high-school students get at least three servings of vegetables a day and just 32% get two servings of fruit. Fewer than one in 10 get enough of both combined.


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The Voca People

Published under Funnies, Innovation, Music Sep 22, 2009

watch this till the end – all vocals, no instruments – it gets better and better (never mind the cheesy eery look of the performers):

thx to Tammy for sending this my way.

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I’ve been meaning to upload this picture of a bus stop ad – from a very creative ad campaign for the movie District 9.


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Devin Leonard wrote an excellent article [] about the epic advertising rivalry between Apple and Microsoft. It includes nice lessons & insights for students of advertising.


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My friend Andrew McLaughlin had pointed me to this very cool video and this post a while back – re Technology and the White House transition – and I only now got to see it.  The way the new techies in the White House are thinking about government and governance is really innovative – they are literally finding ways to increase transparency, efficiency and value-creation by combining the power of government with technology and entrepreneurial thinking.  Take a look at the idea in minute 1:55:

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Nice idea for a social enterprise to build a guerrilla marketing campaign on:

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Interesting article on an effort to bridge the frontier between the real and virtual worlds of gaming and entertainment, an area that interests me a lot.


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