Bloomberg featured an article yesterday, illustrating the benefits that Egypt has incurred from trading with Israel. The article states that Israeli buttons on Egyptian clothing has boosted employment and benefitted the economy, despite some civilian backlash. 

Spotted by Daniel Lubetzky, redacted by Adeena Schlussel


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Conflict Kitchen is a fascinating concept: food is served to communicate the stories of different cultures via iconic store fronts.  The featured country rotates every four months and the rotation is meant to educate as well as to please palates.  Check out more here!






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A recent New York Times article depicts Sweden’s amazing efforts to decrease their use of fossil fuels.  The most admirable aspect of Sweden’s efforts- also the key to their success- is that the country uses what it’s got; instead of turning to solar energy or wind turbines (two approaches that would both be inappropriate for the country’s climate) they capitalize on farming byproducts to produce energy.


Spotted by Daniel Lubetzky, redacted by Adeena Schlussel


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This article displays a silver lining in the midst of a tragedy: Palestinian firefighters participated in the humanitarian effort to extinguish the fires in the Carmel region of Israel.  (The firefighter’s admitted that their efforts were purely humanitarian and not indicative of any political statements, but one cannot help but feel moved and inspired by the cooperation between Israelis and Palestinians depicted here.)  Beyond the article itself being a mark of true hope, the talkbacks at the bottom of this article- which are usually just spurts of extremism and skepticism- show that people are filled with hope and ready for peace.

Spotted by Daniel Lubetzky, redacted by Adeena Schlussel.


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This awesome article in INC. Magazine, titled, “The Way I Work,” features Daniel and captures exactly how our CEO works! We are super proud that Daniel was featured in INC. and are even prouder that he is the fast paced, driven, successful worker that the article describes!

by Adeena Schlussel


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Quote of the Week

Published under Favorite Quotes, Introspection, Kinded Dec 08, 2010

This quote was shared by Stephanie di Paolo Miller at Trinity University:

Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.

                                                                – Plato 

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Israeli entrepreneur, Amit Goffer just invented an incredible device to  benefit the disabled population: robotic pants that use sensors to allow paralyzed patients to walk and stand.  The Washington Post reported on the product called “ReWalk,” which will hopefully be for sale after the next coming years of trials and tests.  While there are bound to be many obstacles for the inventors and the early adapters, this looks like a truly incredible opportunity for anyone who is paralyzed and I am excited to see this brilliance at work.

Spotted by Daniel Lubetzky, redacted by Adeena Schlussel


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A recent article in the New York Times reported that Weight Watchers has overhauled its old point system whereby an apple was previously counted equal to an Oreo 100-calorie snack pack.  It is great to see that Weight Watcher’s recognizes that all calories are not created equal, and even better to see them encourage members to practice healthy snacking.

Spotted by Daniel Lubetzky, redacted by Adeena Schlussel.


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Watch this amazing video of a 19 year old girl named Rachel.  Despite having down syndrome, Rachel performed with her cheering squad in front of 1,300 people, which was enough to catch CBS’s attention.  What could be a better example of a KINDING than this?

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Read this great article by Salam Fayyad.  It represents the Palestinian mainstream of today and is very powerful and moving. [Read more →]

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