Quote of the Week: Beyond Fear

Published under Favorite Quotes Nov 10, 2010

“Courage is not the absence of fear- it’s inspiring others to move beyond it.”

                                                                 – Nelson Mandela

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I just had a great lunch with Jamie Oliver at his restaurant on my recent trip to London. Jamie has done amazing work with his cooking talents and has inspired many, many people to eat healthy and enjoy their food and cooking.  We had a great discussion about various ideas for collaboration to fight the obesity epidemic and continue his mission to give back to the food industry.  Check out this video below to see just how inspiring Jamie’s mission is to teach every child about food!

 photo (4)

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Like this West Village sign says, “If we all do one random act of kindness daily, we just might set the world in the right direction.”  What a great reminder to see when walking down the street.  Thank you Natalie for sharing this great picture with us!


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Hamas recently issued a statement depicting their losses in the war.  According to the report, Israel killed 250 Hamas members at police headquarters and another 150 security personnel were killed.  These numbers match IDF estimates.  Previous to this report, Hamas overestimated civilian deaths and underestimated the number of Hamas operatives killed to prevent demoralization, but in either scenario, the deaths associated with the war are incredibly tragic.

“Spotted by Daniel Lubetzky, redacted by Adeena Schlussel”


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Quote of the Week: Dream Big

Published under Favorite Quotes Nov 04, 2010

“If you’ve built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put foundations under them.”- Henry David Thoreau

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A recent New York Times Magazine cover article promoted many self starters working to fill voids in the developing world who embody the old slogan “where there’s a will, there’s a way.” By quoting stories of D.I.Y. volunteerism (as in, Do It Yourself), Nicholas Kristof makes it clear that a passionate and determined individual holds tremendous power.  Although Kristof reveals that many of the self starters who set out to do good, run into many obstacles along the way, and although he the large possibility of failure in tackling the world’s largest problems, the reason this article is so inspiring is because it presents the possibilities that exist for those with a open heart and creative mind.  This article is really worth a read; the philosophy that one person can change the world through KINDNESS, is exactly what we believe in here at KIND.


Spotted by Daniel Lubetzky, redacted by Adeena Schlussel


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I just read a New York Times article that reminded me think that it is astonishing how deep is the cult of ‘resistance’ in the Arab world that thugs like Nassrallah are seen as heroes. He is among the most popular figures in Egypt and Palestine (and all across the Mideast) and seen as an upright honest leader. It is fascinating how human beings can rationalize facts away when they interfere with their romantic notions. The way Hezbollah has been bullying Saad Hariri and the Lebanese people to stop seeking answers for who was behind the assassination of the former Lebanese PM Rafik Hariri should disgust any human being who cares about justice. Nassrallah is to Lebanon what an organized Mafia family head would be to a jury investigating their crimes if he publicly threatened the jury in court.

Too bad the Saudis, the Sunnis and the Americans among many others who should compose civil society and the police have done so little to protect them.


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An article in today’s Haaretz reveals a recent trend in the Israeli Army: Palestinian Leadership has been addressing Israeli soldiers and officers “to inform soldiers and officers of the nature of recent changes in the West Bank, and of the complexity of their mission when operating within the Palestinian populace.”  This unique cooperation between the Israeli army and Palestinian official is unprecedented and completely amazing! This story shows that even in the most unlikely of places, peace can flourish.

“Spotted by Daniel Lubetzky, redacted by Adeena Schlussel”


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Quote of the Week

Published under Favorite Quotes, Life Oct 28, 2010

You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty.
Mohandas Gandhi

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Dennis Ross, the Special Assistant to the President and friend of OneVoice, addressed AIPAC at their Florida Summit this week.  In his remarks, Mr. Ross spoke about the dangers of Iran and the effect that the Iran Sanctions, Accountability and Divestment Act has had on Iran’s relationship with the world.  Mr. Ross concluded his speech by reiterating the need for peace, and the specific importance of moderates remaining engaged in a proactive peace process.


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