Economics of Food Prices

Published under Economics, Health, KIND Snacks May 21, 2010

Kelly Brownell in the Wall St Journal points out that today "healthy foods cost more and calorie-dense processed and fast foods cost less."

This is partly because of subsidies to high fructose corn syrup and other sugar-laden and corn-derived industries.

It is also because healthful foods without preservatives may not have as long shelf-lives as artificial junk that can outlast a nuclear event – and which don’t need to be replaced as quickly by retailers, say compared to fresh fruit.

And it is also because nowadays so many manufacturers use pastes and emulsions that they purchase with fillers and mystery ingredients you can’t recognize – and which tend to be cheap artificially derived materials that are high in carbs but of empty (or harmful) nutritional content – i.e. HFCS, corn fillers, pastes made of fruit syrups like dates, hydrogenated oils, and to a lesser extent soy fillers, etc.

Look at the ingredients in the back of your product – and watch out for these.

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The Obesity Crisis

Published under Health, KIND Snacks, Life May 21, 2010

One more article – this one from the Wall Street Journal – on the epidemic our society faces if we don’t get our act together and start eating healthy foods and exercising. (For a quick set of simple rules for healthful eating, see the KIND Diet.)


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by Adeena Schlussel

This great video will be shown at the opening plenary of the Rio Forum, before 2000 civil society and world leaders.  Watch Darya speak about OneVoice and Daniel speak about PeaceWorks Foods as a model to harness market forces to bring people together.  Others featured in the video include the UN Secretary General and the President of Brazil.

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Check out this EXTRAORDINARY AD.  Make sure you watch it in full-screen mode, and with the volume way up.  It is one of the most awesome ads I have ever seen – and proudly directed by my cousin Emmanuel Lubezki (whose of the family unfortunately doesn’t know how to spell our last name properly :-) .

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At KIND, PeaceWorks, and OneVoice, almost by definition, I think our team members are motivated by the desire to make the world a better place, and the empowerment and joy comes with the journey.

And yet I found myself really intrigued to follow this video that breaks down these implicit assumptions and helps us all understand – what drives us, and how can we "manage" in the most motivating and empowering way?

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Check out this very creative surprise for a Danish bus driver – it was part guerrilla promotion for the bus company, part fun for the voyagers, and part KINDING for the birthday of the targeted bus driver!

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And the priestess spoke again and said:
Speak to us of Reason and Passion.

And he answered, saying:
Your soul is oftentimes a battlefield, upon
which your reason and your judgment wage
war against your passion and your appetite.

Would that I could be your peacemaker
in your soul, that I might turn the discord
and the rivalry of your elements into oneness and melody.

But how shall I, unless you yourselves be
also the peacemakers, nay, the lovers of all your elements?

Your reason and your passion are the rudder
and the sails of your seafaring soul.
If either your sails or your rudder be broken,
you can but toss and drift, or else be held at a standstill
in mid-seas.

For reason, ruling alone, is a force confining;
and passion, unattended, is a flame that burns
to its own destruction.

Therefore let your soul exalt your reason to the height of passion,
that it may sing;
And let it direct your passion with reason,
that your passion may live through its own daily resurrection,
and like the phoenix rise above it own ashes.

I would have you consider your own judgement
and your appetite even as you would two
loved guests in your house.
Surely you wouldn’t honor one guest above the other;
for he who is more mindful of one loses
the love and the faith of both.

Among the hills, when you sit in the cool
shade of the white poplars, sharing the peace
and serenity of distant fields and meadows
then let your heart say in silence,
"God rests in reason".

And when the storm comes, and the mighty wind
shakes the forest, and thunder and lightning
proclaim the majesty of the sky, then let your heart
say in awe, "God moves in passion."

And since you are a breath in God’s sphere,
and a leaf in God’s forest, you too
should rest in reason and move in passion.

–Gibran Khalil Gibran, The Prophet, on Reason and Passion

(thanks to Uncle Jorge and Sioma Waisburd for sharing this)

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By Adeena Schlussel on behalf of Daniel Lubetzky

The dictator Hugo Chavez continues to use the judicial system to jail judges who disagree with him and to expropriate property of any one he is “threatened” by.  He is out of control and the global community should be more serious about condemning and countering his totalitarianism.


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by Adeena Schlussel on behalf of Daniel Lubetzky

The New York Times had a fun compilation of signs across the world that conveyed something surprising, not always unintended, but always funny.


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by Adeena Schlussel on behalf of Daniel Lubetzky

A neat deployment of google adwords to get the attention of prospective employers – by a creative ad guy.


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