Quote of the week: Michael Porter

Published under Uncategorized Nov 13, 2009

“Strategy is what you don’t do.”

- Michael Porter, as quoted by Drew Gilpin Faust (Harvard’s President)
in NYT art.

Sent from my iPhone – pardon typos

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Dave Halperin wrote an excellent column reacting to Tom Friedman’s frustration with the failed peace process and his resulting recommendation to give up trying.


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There are doubts whether Mahmoud Abbas will truly resign, as he has claimed he will.  He has threatened to do so several times before, but he does seem exhausted by lack of momentum and a partner – on the Israeli side and among his own people.  This could strengthen him as his people start to appreciate him more and the international community and Israel do more to strengthen his course for peaceful negotiations.

If he does resign, analysis ranges from:

· A return to a third intifadah as Fatah resorts to violent or non-violent popular resistance

· Disbandment of the Palestinian Authority amidst a power struggle within Palestinian leadership, with serious repercussions for Palestinians and Israelis

· A major democratic step as a key Palestinian leader institutes an orderly election from a democratically elected successor

· Release of Marwan Barghouti, who claims the leadership mantle

· Introspective evaluation about how Israelis, Palestinians and the international community take the “peace process” for granted

· Emboldened Hamas momentum, amidst lack of leadership within Fatah


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Good summary by IPF of Iranian efforts to arm Hezbollah and Hamas, and the stunning Israeli interception of 320 tons of weapons.  The world community needs to do more to prevent the Iranian regime from sabotaging peace efforts.


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This guy sounds like an amazing positive force for healthful wholesome and sustainable eating.

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Interesting court case about Snapple’s “all natural” claim – false labeling?


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Interesting article about an innovative marketing strategy that Esquire is trying this coming month.

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Creative ad campaign by Adidas…

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Interesting and provocative article from Hoover fellow – Victor Davis Hanson – re Obama foreign policy as lacking in toughness from real politik.

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Arab Anti-Semitism

Published under Global, Israel, Leadership, Middle East Nov 02, 2009

Here is an unusually earnest admonition by Egyptian intellectuals against "liberal" Arab leaders who espouse deep anti-Semitism.

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