“The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago.
The second best time is now.”
–Chinese Proverb

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Doing the Math on a Snack

Published under Economics, KIND Snacks Aug 20, 2013

The New York Times’s Emily Rueb explores the retail pricing on KIND bars throughout the city.

Correction: The lowest price that KIND bars sell for is $1.25 on special deals.

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This article by Marc Bitman provides interesting food for thought that breaks through the facile assumption that all industrial food production is necessarily evil. 

Machine-harvesting tomatoes at Rominger Brothers Farms in Winters, Calif.




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“Wherever there is a human being, there is an opportunity for kindness.”
- Lucius Annaeus Seneca

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…but we are just having so much fun picking tomatoes, cucumbers, basil, and the rare carrot from our garden. The kids love eating the tomatoes and the cucumbers now that they harvested them themselves. And it is just amazing to see what we are yielding. 

I thought that last week would be the peak with over 50 tomatoes and 10 cucumbers. Today we harvested over 20 cucumbers and 80 tomatoes, not counting about 10 tomatoes we lost to critters who bit into the ripest ones – lesson learned: we need to pick them as soon as they start turning red. 

Addendum: on Sunday we picked another 4 huge cucumbers, 4 nice carrots and 49 tomatoes!!!

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George Saunders gave a graduation speech that Matthew Kahn shared with me. It really touched me. His “regret” absolutely reminded me of a couple kids in school that, like him, I was nice enough to, but I didn’t do enough to protect and stand up for against bullies. I could have been nicer. I could have been kinder. And I could have been more courageous. I hope to teach my kids to do better. And I hope we all as humankind can minimize what George Saunders aptly describes as “failures of kindness.”

See the full speech after the jump.


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“Obstacles are those frightful things you see
when you take your eyes off the goal.”
–Henry Ford

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“Choose being kind over being right,
and you’ll be right every time.”
- Richard Carlson

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Peace talks arrive at the door of the Knesset. It’s time to move forward in steps towards peace.


The Israeli Knesset (photo credit: CC-BY-SA Beny Shlevich/Wikimedia Commons)


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The Fruits of our Labor

Published under Family, Health, Life Jul 30, 2013

This weekend we were able to enjoy the crops from our garden, picking the vegetables and turning them into a delicious meal.


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