Dr. Ephraim Sneh is always on target with his strategic analysis of the politics in play in the Middle East. This is no less the case in his latest piece about the state of affairs between Israel and the US vis-a-vis Iran for the Israel Policy Forum.

Spotted by Daniel Lubetzky, by Julianna Storch


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Quote of the Week: Planning Ahead

Published under Favorite Quotes Aug 24, 2012

Plan your hours to be productive,
Plan your weeks to be educational,
Plan your years to be purposeful,
Plan your life to be an experience of growth
Plan to change. Plan to grow.
-Iyanla VanZant

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Nutritionists, fashionistas, and make-up artists agree that KIND‘s new Nuts and Spices bars are the best choice for both a healthy energy boost and a deliciously satisfying treat.

Spotted by Daniel Lubetzky, by Julianna Storch

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A friend forwarded this documentary from Tom Shadyac, the director of Bruce Almighty and Ace Ventura, who goes through a crisis of identity and discovers deeper truths about the forces that power our world. Any further description is probably going to make you want to run away, but if you have the patience, you will grow from the perspective and some interesting insights, including interviews with foremost thinkers and philosophers. It certainly connects to what we try to do at KIND, PeaceWorks, and OneVoice.

הנני from emetaheret on Vimeo.

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Unlikely Jailing of MF Global Chairman

Published under Leadership Aug 17, 2012

Daniel Collins reports in Futures Magazine that MF Chairman and CEO Jon Corzine will likely not face jail time despite customers’ wishes.

Spotted by Daniel Lubetzky, by Julianna Storch

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“Life is short, but there is always time enough for courtesy.”
― Ralph Waldo Emerson

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KIND team member Jenny Busby tells Univision Chicago about the KINDness sweeping through the windy city. For those who don’t speak lingo, here are some subtitles:

The KIND team rallied Chicagoans to participate in August’s KINDING mission of donating clothing to a local shelter or someone in need. Thanks to the thousands of KINDAHOLICS who participated in this mission, KIND is partnering with the Kyle Korver Foundation to provide school uniforms to Chicago students who would otherwise not be able to afford them.

Spotted by Daniel Lubetzky, by Julianna Storch

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My Dad used to tell us a story he conceived about a little bird named Bimbambu when we were kids. It is one of my favorite stories – about a kindly bird who literally sheds all his feathers in order to help other animals fight the winter weather along the way, only to end up without any protection until all the animals come to his aid. This may very well have been one of the subconscious foundations for the creation of KIND and the KIND Movement, as it teaches the important lesson of exhibiting unbridled kindness to everyone we encounter.

And now my sister Ileana has brought the story of Bimbambu to life in a colorful and beautifully designed digital children’s book so that other parents can share Bimbambu’s lessons in kindness with their children too. The Kindle e-book edition is available on Amazon now (and I was able to view it on my Ipad by downloading the free Kindle reader), and I look forward to seeing the print copies in English, Hebrew and Spanish soon!

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Fred Schaufeld recently shared a trio of articles by Noam Sheizaf and I just got done reading them. For the most part, they present a very valid if painful perspective analyzing the Israeli thought process.

The gist of the article below reminds me of Gil Shamy’s axiom that pursuing a comprehensive solution with the Palestinians is like going to the dentist for the Israelis: unless they are in pain, they rather hold off.

Some arguments are simplified and some supporting positions are incorrect in fact. For example, the second intifadah was not the impetus for Sharon’s evacuation from Gaza, but for Sharon’s election- it preceded Sharon’s reign, and the impetus for the evacuation was the drive by a significant segment of civil society in 2002-2004 for strategic progress.

And the reason the Arab Peace Initiative gained no traction is at least partly explained by its announcement in early 2002, at a time when our global conscience was still reeling from the 9/11 attacks and the Saudi overture was greeted with skepticism, as a PR stunt to deflect attention from Saudi support for Islamic fundamentalists.

But those are footnotes on a valid and sad thesis, that so long as Israelis are more comfortable with the status quo than with the uncertainties and risks of political change – even if that change holds the potential for far greater happiness for both Palestinians and Israelis – political representatives are unlikely to make bold moves.

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In the wake of the World Bank’s report claiming that the Palestinian economy remains too weak to support a state, Isabel Kershner highlighted the positive high-tech growth underway in her New York Times piece. Grants, training programs, and ambition are enabling Palestinians to develop an economy based on technology and communications. As a result, they can positively engage in business with Israelis in the role of producers as well as consumers. Let’s hope that the continued growth of the Palestinian economy leads to more cooperation between Palestinians and Israelis in business and elsewhere.

Spotted by Daniel Lubetzky, by Julianna Storch


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