For the second time in January, KIND was praised on the TODAY show for its high protein content and nutritional value.  This time, not only was KIND awarded a blue ribbon for being the best ranked bar, but Men’s Health editor David Zinczecko dubbed it “the Ryan Gosling of bars,” a high honor indeed!


By Adeena Schlussel

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Enough of Extremists

Published under Israel, United States Jan 23, 2012

As the Israel Policy Forum stated in its recent newsletter (below), enough is enough.  Atlanta Jewish Times owner Andew Adler’s call for PM Netanyahu to allow for Mossad agents to take out the US president and replace him with someone more friendly towards Israel is shocking and appalling.  His point of view is extreme and will not aid Israel in the ways that he may imagine.

Spotted by Daniel Lubetzky, by Adeena Schlussel


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This woman is so courageous, principled & inspiring.  I hope she will come back and help lead our nation.

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Quote of the Week

Published under Favorite Quotes Jan 12, 2012

"Life is full of distractions.  No matter how tempting it may be to veer off your path, keep your goals in focus and keep moving forward.” –Gabriel Cid

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I just came across this song, and this video, oh my, which my sister recommended.  Never mind that lighting actually comes before thunder, and not the other way around.  The song is so beautiful, and the performance so creative!

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Rachel Ray and Martha Stewart recommend KIND Healthy Grains and KIND bars respectively, as the perfect addition for moms and brides-to-be who are looking for a sweet taste as they get into shape!

By Adeena Schlussel

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Meat Eating Vegetation

Published under Interesting Random Stuff Jan 09, 2012

Check out this fascinating article about a newly discovered plant that eats meat.  This story shows nature’s unique way of always being able to shock and impress us with what seem to be exceptions to the rule of natural order!

Spotted by Daniel Lubetzky, by Adeena Schlussel


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Quote of the Week

Published under Favorite Quotes Jan 05, 2012

“If life has taught me anything, it’s that we are capable of far greater things than one can possibly imagine.” – Ari Merkin

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KIND has raised the bar once again on QVC, delivering thousands of Dark Chocolate Cherry Cashew + Antioxidants and Peanut Butter Dark Chocolate bars to its fans.  Elle did a great job explaining the nutritional and culinary benefits of KIND bars, as you can see in the following clip!


Spotted by Daniel Lubetzky, by Adeena Schlussel

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KIND received praise from Elizabeth Somer, author of Eat Your Way Sexy, as a perfect treat that cuts out sugar from on-the-go snacking.  Check out the link below to see more about why the TODAY Show recommends KIND as a healthy and filling snack!



By Adeena Schlussel

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