While Thomas Friedman agrees with Israeli PM Netanyahu’s fears about Israel’s state of security, he disagrees with Netanyahu’s approach to these dangers.  In this article, Friedman questions Netanyahu’s approach to do nothing instead of strengthening responsible Palestinian leaders.


Spotted by Daniel Lubetzky, by Adeena Schlussel


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This article by Tony Klug delineates why a two state solution is the only solution.  As Klug grapples with his key question, “is a two-state framework still feasible and, if not, is the so-called ‘one-state solution’ the default alternative” he explains that the only solution to this ongoing conflict will be one that acknowledges both sides’ basic aspirations.

Spotted by Daniel Lubetzky, by Adeena Schlussel


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Tomorrow night, December 6th at 6:30pm, Daniel will be participating in a roundtable discussion with Intersections International.   This night promises to be an interesting one so please rsvp using the information below if interested!

By Adeena Schlussel


Power and Values






Tuesday, December 6, 2011
6:30 p.m. to 9 p.m.
274 5th Avenue

A social entrepreneur known for integrating social objectives with sustainable market-driven forces into new business models. He is the CEO and Founder of KIND Healthy Snacks and the KIND Movement. He is also founder of PeaceWorks Inc., and the PeaceWorks Foundation’s OneVoice Movement, and co-founder of Maiyet.

RSVP: rsvp@intersectionsinternational.org
Light fare will be served.

More information:  Sam Simon

274 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY 10001
T. 212.951.7006 | F.212.951.7212


Copyright 2010 Intersections

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Daniel recently noticed a scamming pattern that he worries will fool many unsuspecting Facebook users.  Recently, scammers have been directing people towards domains that look authentic at first glance because they begin with “http” or “www” or include personal references, as per the image below.  Of course, when a user clicks on this link the scammer in fact hacks into their email account and grabs all of their contacts.  It is more important than ever to be attuned to internet trickery and to protect your privacy.




Spotted by Daniel Lubetzky, redacted by Adeena Schlussel

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Quote of the Week

Published under Favorite Quotes Nov 21, 2011

“If I had an hour to solve a problem and my life depended on the solution, I would spend the first 55 minutes determining the proper question to ask, for once I know the proper question, I could solve the problem in less than five minutes.” – Albert Einstein

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This article about settlers’ “price tag” attacks on Palestinians and peace groups is alarming.  While there is undoubted complexity to their situation, violence is never the answer.   As the article states, “All forms of incitement and violence, the mortal enemies of peace, must stop.”


Spotted by Daniel Lubetzky, by Adeena Schlussel


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This great article highlights Paul and Daniel’s work in funding Maiyet, a brand that is among others which are tackling poverty and global issues in a new and innovative way: via fashion.  The team, their mission and their style are bound to make a huge impact on the communities they are entrenched in.  

by Adeena Schlussel


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Scientists have created the lightest material on earth, according to a recent article in the LA Times.  While this sort of innovation warrants its own celebration, it will be even more exciting to see is what scientists proceed to do with this material!

Spotted by Daniel Lubetzky, by Adeena Schlussel


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The following article was shared with Daniel by his friend Fred.  It is an interesting analysis of Israel’s current state and the themes of Weimar that the author claims are showing their ugly head once more. 




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Howard Schultz’s campaign to divest from all political campaigns as a sign of disgust for Washington’s political feuds, has caught President Obama’s attention.  President Obama recently called the Starbucks CEO to discuss the campaign, and while Schultz emphasized that his campaign is not directed against the President, it is clear that his rally has made an impression on our nation’s leaders.

This article takes a look at that story, as well as others that demonstrate Schultz’s renowned leadership and personality traits.


Spotted by Daniel Lubetzky, by Adeena Schlussel


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