Martha Stewart’s Everyday Living lauded KIND Healthy Grains for its whole grains and “good-for-you mix-ins.” The magazine favors KIND Healthy Grains over alternative granolas for being gluten free, low in sugar and fat, and for its perfect cluster size that allows for eating by the handful.




Spotted by Daniel Lubetzky, by Adeena Schlussel

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Castle Games

Published under Interesting Random Stuff Oct 24, 2011

Click this image and keep your eyes affixed on the dot and not remove your eyes from the dot in the middle of the picture.  After the clock counts down, so long as you keep your eyes affixed on the dot, the castle picture will look like it’s in color instead of black and white…



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With the lack of leadership in Washington, it is comforting to know there is creativity and bold leadership coming from business entrepreneurs who want to contribute towards improving society.  Take a look at this article about Howard Schultz’s efforts to generate jobs for America.  This is a harbinger for the increasing role that enlightened capitalists will play in the future to address social challenges we face.  As business pervades more and more in our daily lives, market forces and good corporate brands will be able to play increasing leadership roles – even as politicians get co-opted by special interests and petty extremist politics.


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This Wired article reveals some of the content in the much awaited bio, Steve Jobs. 

For example:

Steve Wanted to go ‘Thermonuclear’ on Android
Jobs was livid when HTC introduced an Android phone that shared a number of iPhone features in early 2010. An excerpt from the book: “I will spend my last dying breath if I need to, and I will spend every penny of Apple’s $40 billion in the bank, to right this wrong,” Jobs said. “I’m going to destroy Android, because it’s a stolen product. I’m willing to go thermonuclear war on this.” He told Google’s Eric Schmidt, “I don’t want your money. If you offer me $5 billion, I won’t want it. I’ve got plenty of money. I want you to stop using our ideas in Android, that’s all I want.’’ [AP]

Spotted by Daniel Lubetzky, by Adeena Schlussel


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Romney’s lack of core

Published under Leadership, United States Oct 24, 2011

The word flip-flopper has been so overused that it is actually harmful to obsess on whether political candidates have changed their views on a particular occasion. It is fine for people to evolve in their views. That said, Mitt Romney’s approach to politics seems to be a true example of what we should criticize: pure pandering and change of the deepest positions just to say what he thinks the audience of the day may want to hear. Read this article from Maureen Dowd to get some examples…



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Last night I attended a dinner that Miles hosted with a group of very interesting people.  Along the way he shared his rules for choosing partners, which I think are worth sharing:

1. Only partner with someone with whom you would want to have breakfast, lunch or dinner with a second time.
2. Only partner with someone you like, admire, and respect.
3. Only partner with someone you trust enough to make the executor of your estate.
4. Only partner with someone with whom you would want to spend a long weekend on a small boat, in a small cabin, or on a small ranch.
5. Only partner with someone who shares the same passion, dedication, and willingness to sacrifice to accomplish the common mission.
6. Only partner with someone who has the human compassion gene. Compassionate leaders motivate and inspire their employees to reach beyond their own self imposed limitations.

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More and more top magazines have been showing their love for KIND! US Weekly took us inside Piper Parabo’s bag, revealing a KIND Nut Delight that the actress totes for safe snacking.  At the same time, Prevention Magazine echoes the praise for KIND, declaring KIND to be a perfect breakfast routine.

Spotted by Daniel Lubetzky, by Adeena Schlussel

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Good Housekeeping has joined the ranks of newly excited KIND Healthy Grains fans!  The magazine recommends KIND Healthy Grains to its 13 million readers as a delicious, low-calorie way to get a third of your needed daily grains. 

Spotted by Daniel Lubetzky, by Adeena Schlussel

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This clip from Sesame Street brings back childhood memories.

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Emily Rapp spoke to me as a Dad and as a human being like few have ever done. I strongly recommend this life-affirming article from this courageous and beautiful mother.


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