By ANAHAD O’CONNOR The sugar industry paid scientists in the 1960s to play down the link between sugar and heart disease and promote saturated fat as the culprit instead, newly released historical documents show. The internal sugar industry documents, recently discovered by a researcher at the University of California, San Francisco, and published Monday in [...]

John Oliver is hilarious, but the issue he explores is very serious. Not only are hundreds of millions of dollars being wasted because of the perverse incentives to sensationalize scientific findings, but also these “findings” end up harming humans’ health and progress in untold ways.   Perhaps we need to start funding a Fact Checking Award [...]

The sugar industry has a long history of shaping nutrition policy in the United States, working to mask the potential risks of consuming too much of the sweet stuff. It wasn’t until this year, for instance, that the US Dietary Guidelines finally recommended people keep their consumption of added sugars below 10 percent of their [...]

I was fortunate to have the opportunity to get to know Pamela Hartigan over close to two decades, and at every turn I noticed her commitment to excellence and her wonderful warmth and positive energy.  I am sharing Sally Osberg’s words below as a fit tribute to an extraordinary leader in the social entrepreneurship world. [...]

Save The Bros

Published under Advertising (good vs misleading) Aug 13, 2016

What a fun way to highlight the issue of eating real food and protein from plants and real ingredients instead of synthetic sources.  

In the latest study, published in the Annals of Internal Medicine, researchers led by Dr. Hanna Bloomfield from the Minneapolis VA Medical Center analyzed data from 53 studies that investigated the health effects of the Mediterranean diet. The researchers focused their attention on clinical trials, which tend to be stronger sources of data than observational studies [...]

Published under Health Jul 20, 2016

“We can all avoid an excess of omega-6 fats by minimizing our intake of highly processed and fast, fried foods – and getting our fats from nuts, seeds, olives, and avocado; olive and canola oil.” Dr. David Katz from Yale School of Medicine’s Griffin Prevention Center wrote a compelling piece that I just got a [...]

By now we hope you know that there’s nothing more important to us than the relationship we share with you—our fans. You’ve been the fuel on this now 12-year journey to make healthy andtasty snacking a way of life. You’ve also stood by us when we’ve faced challenges. One of these challenges came last year when [...]

A must read! In The Power of Broke, Daymond John takes an insightful look at individuals who’ve launched their own powerful brands and careers from a place of desperation, harnessing the “power of broke” to think creatively, alternatively, and aggressively in order to make a meaningful mark.