An extraordinary story of kindness and a reminder of the impact that kindness can have on both the giver and the receiver.
Archive for the ‘Do the KIND Thing’ Category
Yesterday afternoon we closed our offices, and the entire KIND Snacks team went out to give back in their local communities. I am proud of our team, not just for taking the time to volunteer, but for the care and compassion with which they served their community members. I was fortunate to visit two organizations - AHRC New York City where we did art projects with individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities and ACE New York Programs for the Homeless where we did interview prep. Thank you to all of our Day of Service organizations for your warm hospitality and the incredible work that you do.
‘Spiderman’ granted French citizenship after rescuing child from Paris balcony
Published under Do the KIND Thing, Education/Raising Children, Europe, Family, Global, Kindness, Leadership May 30, 2018‘Spiderman’ granted French citizenship after rescuing child from Paris balcony
Video of the rescue showed 22-year-old Mamoudou Gassama climbing up four floors of the apartment building in just seconds to rescue the child, to cheers from onlookers. By the time Parisian emergency services arrived at the building, he had already pulled the child to safety.
Ellen Meets a 10-Year-Old Raising Money for Hearing Impaired
Published under Do the KIND Thing, Family, Kindness, Life Oct 13, 201720 Questions From Entrepreneur Magazine
Published under Do the KIND Thing, Entrepreneurship and Management, Leadership, United States Aug 18, 2017My team jokingly refers to my curiosity and many questions as the ‘Mexican Inquisition.’ Here, Entrepreneur Magazine got to turn the tables and ask me 20 questions.

20 Questions With Daniel Lubetzky
I always appreciate an opportunity to reflect, but I seldom have been so impacted by an interview as I was by this one with Poppy Harlow. Our conversation allowed me to go a bit deeper than most interviews do and to reflect on how this all began. I hope that you enjoy.
For Vulnerable Teenagers, a Web of Support – THREAD
Published under Do the KIND Thing, Family, Introspection, Leadership Mar 10, 2016This is a great piece about Thread, a wonderful program we are proud to have been introduced to by the Weinberg Foundation.
Finding the Strength to Be Kind
Published under Do the KIND Thing, Introspection, KIND Snacks May 21, 2014KINDness on Campus
Published under Do the KIND Thing, Education/Raising Children, KIND Snacks May 08, 2014I want to congratulate our KIND University Ambassador at the University of Texas, Jane Claire Hervey, on being awarded the Good Neighbor Award for working to spread KINDness on campus. She was one of 2 (out of 52,000) students awarded, and we are proud to have her on our KIND Team.
If you’re interested in becoming a KIND University Ambassador, apply online at the following link:
The Strong & KIND MVP
Published under Do the KIND Thing, Education/Raising Children, Introspection, KIND Snacks May 07, 2014Congratulations to the NBA’s MVP — Kevin Durant! He deserves this honor, not just for his strength on the court, but for his courage to be kind both on and off the court. We are proud to partner with this STRONG & KIND individual, and I am inspired by the beautiful speech that he gave when he accepted his award.