Archive for the ‘Health’ Category
This week brought additional awards for KIND, with Apple Cinnamon & Pecan stealing the spotlight in Fitness magazine as an editor favorite!
by Adeena Schlussel
The deleterious estrogen-mimicking compound, bisphenol A, first came under inspection when peopled noticed that the compound is found on baby bottles and food cans. Now, the compound has shown up in materials beyond those that make up bottles and cans, and has been exposed as existing on cash register receipts. Although the BPA on receipts is in miniscule quantities, “When you grab the receipt, your fingertips can get coated with BPA,” says John C. Warner of the Warner Babcock Institute for Green Chemistry (WBI). The article which delineates these facts goes on to explain the variety of harmful forms and substances that can seep in through the skin that one should be aware of.
Decreasing Memory or Ossification of Critical Thinking?
Published under Health, Introspection May 26, 2011An interesting set of studies suggest that as we grow older, we forget things because our brains don’t have the ability to remember prior incidents as well and they associate similar but non-identical experiences as having been identical (as seen here). But another possibility was ignored – that part of the problem is connected to the challenge we all face as human beings that as we get older we become less critical in our thinking and we accept connections and assumptions without questioning them. So instead of this being necessarily a reflection of our dying brain cells and neurotransmitters, it could be a result of socialization of our inputs into prejudicial assumptions that no longer question matters.
NewHope 360 Features Daniel and KIND
Published under Entrepreneurship and Management, Health, KIND Snacks, Kinded, Media and Alternative Media Apr 22, 2011NewHope 360 featured Daniel earlier this month, recognizing his generous spirit and acute leadership skills that we see each day. The article conveys that these attributes have granted KIND success in its growth, in being named Entrepreneur of 2010, and in Do the KIND Thing. Read more below!
by Adeena Schlussel
Tips from the Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2010
Published under Health, KIND Snacks Apr 21, 2011The Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2010 edition was recently issued, bearing valuable advice for all. As we well know, those who stick to a balanced diet and regimented exercise habit maintain their weight, reduce their risk of chronic illness, and enjoy overall health. This guide is useful in mapping out those strategies and finding ways to stick to them.
The two persistent bits of advice throughout the Dietary Guidelines are:
- Stick to a balanced calorie intake to achieve and maintain a healthy weight
- Consume Nutrient Dense Foods and Beverages, and do not waste calories on fats, added sugars and refined grains.
The guide goes on further to recommend which foods to reduce, as well as which to seek out: The less sodium, saturated fatty acids, dietary cholesterol, solid fats and sugars, refine grains, and alcohol consumed, the better; the more dark green vegetables, fruits, whole grains, fat free or low-fat dairy products, proteins, and instances of seafood in place of meat, oil in place of solid fats, potassium, calcium and vitamin D, the better. Of course, all of the above are only beneficial when in moderation.
Spotted by Daniel Lubetzky, redacted by Adeena Schlussel.
KIND Featured on the Early Show (again)!
Published under Health, KIND Snacks, Media and Alternative Media Apr 18, 2011KIND was just featured on the Early Show once more for being the perfect replacement for a candy bar as KIND allows you to fill up without filling out!
How sleep deprivation can catch up with you
Published under Health, Interesting Random Stuff Apr 18, 2011A recent article in the New York Times is titled with an interesting question: How little sleep can you get away with? The article traces various experiments that have tried to answer this question, and while there is no conclusive answer, some facts are clear. At a certain point, sleep deprivation begins to harm our performance during our waking hours, which effectively means that we are trading hours when we could be sleeping, for hours when we are poorly and sleepily doing our jobs. Additionally, relying on weekends to catch up on sleep does not allow our bodies to recover in the way that we may think it does.
Spotted by Daniel Lubetzky, redacted by Adeena Schlussel
Dr. Levine, a researcher at the Mayo Clinic, has been conducting an experiment using regimented diets and magic underwear that senses the subject’s every move; the results show the benefits of activity and the detriments of sitting. Although most of us sit for the majority of our waking hours, there can be negative long term effects- a fact that is leading Dr. Levine to explore solutions to the dangers of sitting.
Spotted by Daniel Lubetzky, redacted by Adeena Schlussel.