Archive for the ‘Health’ Category

On Penguins and Health

Published under Health, Marketing Mar 24, 2011

Interesting posting on children’s behavior – I just hope unscrupulous marketers don’t take even more advantage of the insights!


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KIND has been on national TV 3 times this week, proving that health is in style this season and all year round!

The Early Show:   Nutrition expert, Cynthia Sass, recommends choosing bars such as KIND that contain natural ingredients like fruits and nuts.


Good Day New York: Prevention editor, Mara Betsch, shared the magazine’s top picks from its annual “Healthiest Packaged Food Awards.”


 NY1Nutrition expert, Sharon Richter, shared tips for how to minimize spring allergies by eating foods like KIND that are rich in  Omega-3s and fiber.


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KIND has won various awards in Good Housekeeping, Prevention Magazine, Natural Health Magazine, and Martha Stewart’s Everyday Food Magazine this year.  This recognition is due to our team’s boundless efforts in creating a powerful and genuine brand and I am proud to work with such a team.


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A recent article in Baby Center illustrates the dangers of feeding children unhealthy foods, in contrast to favorable nutrition which fosters brain function growth and cognitive ability.  Although unhealthy options may sometimes be the easier one choice, they are seemingly very problematic down the road.


Spotted by Daniel Lubetzky, redacted by Adeena Schlussel


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Nutella sued for false claims

Published under Health Feb 07, 2011

A Mom in California just sued Ferrero, the maker of Nutella, for falsely claiming that its sugar- and saturated-fat based product  was a healthful solution for kids breakfast.

I love Nutella. It tastes delicious.  But I too was shocked when I saw the recent ad campaign – on the back of the jars and on TV – claiming that Nutella is a wholesome healthful product.   There is nothing wrong with making an indulgent delicious dessert that people should enjoy when they choose to indulge.  But a product whose number one ingredient is refined sugar should not try to claim itself as healthy!


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New nutritional guidelines appropriately focus on encouraging nutritionally dense foods and minimally processed foods, including whole grains instead of refined grains, and a balanced diet that prizes the right proteins, fats, and carbs – ie, the ones that are not empty carbs or calories. This is the philosophy we follow at KIND, including the KIND diet.


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If you are health conscious, the Glycemic index is definitely of interest to you.  The Glycemic index ranks carbohydrates based on how quickly they convert to glucose in the human body.  This is important because carbs that increase blood levels quickly, also increase insulin levels quickly, which carries serious consequences for those with diabetes. 

Studies show that nuts rank low on the Glycemic index and are good for people trying to monitor their cholesterol, and are the perfect snack because they keep you full for longer.  Almonds are especially championed for their ability to lower your cholesterol. The Diabetes Monitor points out that although nuts are mostly fat, they are incredibly helpful in maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Spotted by Daniel Lubetzky, Redacted by Adeena Schlussel


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Check out this great clip featuring KIND on the Doctors! The host highlighted the various health benefits of KIND and encouraged viewers to incorporate healthy snacking into their new year’s health resolutions.

Click on this image to view!




by Adeena Schlussel

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Dr. Felicia Stoler could hardly contain her excitement when talking about KIND on The 10! Show.  Dr. Stoler emphasized KIND’s benefits in weight management and confirmed that snacking is good for you.  The key ingredient to success in weight management is selecting smart calories that fill you up and taste good too, which makes KIND a great snack choice…especially for those looking to stick to their New Year’s Resolutions!

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Spotted by Daniel Lubetzky, Redacted by Adeena Schlussel

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This article in the New York Times captured an insight I’ve always felt is right but had never been able to consciously formulate: that, whether you are managing your waistline or a company’s bottom line, you will be far more successful if you focus on the intrinsic behavior and culture of your eating and of your company’s spending behavior. 

As the article states:

In fact, the best strategy is not to think about it as budgeting at all. Instead, set up broad goals and automate all savings and other priorities where you can.

It is far more effective to create a culture in your company that prizes resourcefulness and educates your team to invest only on all that is necessary, and at the best terms, than to set rules for each line item.  Of course as you grow, budgets are necessary.  But team leaders should know how to evaluate and seize opportunities in an entrepreneurial fashion, even if they don’t necessarily fit in a “budget”, so long as they actually show they can pay off.  And vice-versa, just because you have a budget, you should not spend funds without ensuring that the particular expense is cost-effective, advisable, and procured on the best possible terms.

Dieting is similarly artificial.  You can endure it for a while but then regress to your habits.  Learning how to eat healthful food whose ingredients you can see and pronounce is far more effective in the long run.  Here is a blog entry that provides some basic guidelines.


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