Archive for the ‘Health’ Category

Given all the bad publicity that Chinese companies have gotten for the lax standards and unethical practices employed by the food industry there, resulting in numerous deaths due to consumption of poisoned milk, honey, baby formula, and other food products, it is not surprising that Chinese manufacturers and importers of Chinese food products would not want to publicize the origin of the source of their products.

But it doesn’t make it less ethical.

And the FDA, US Customs and other US agencies do not do nearly enough to protect consumers against these deceptive and dangerous practices.

People often get surprised when they learn that some of the food they may be eating may be manufactured in China, because the manufacturers go very far to try to hide this.  The labels of Mrs. Mays products hide their “Made in China” claim with tiny print on the far side under the wrapper foil. I learned this when analyzing their packaging after they tried (unsuccessfully) to copy our products’ packaging, names, and features.

But the challenge can be even more elusive with the import of raw materials – like honey or peanuts.  And the challenge is no less critical to manufacturers, because of the high incidences of contamination of raw materials in these products from China.

Now a great website,, aims to help consumers and food manufacturers trace where honey comes from.  As reported in Food Business News countries like “Indonesia, Malaysia, Taiwan, Thailand, the Philippines and Mongolia raise few bees and have no history of producing honey in commercial quantities, yet have recently exported large amounts of honey to the United States,” much of it counterfeit from China. 


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by Adeena Schlussel on behalf of Daniel Lubetzky

Food Business News reports that despite knowing that diets full of fruits and vegetables reduce the risk of leading diseases, many Americans are still slaking on their fruits and veggie consumption.  The Center for Disease Control found that only approximately 33% of adults  eat fruit two or more times a day, and only 26% eat vegetables three or more times a day. While there are initiatives working to boost this number, it is important for Americans to internalize the benefits of being KIND to your body (and of course to your taste buds and the world as well)!


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As this latest study confirms, obesity rates across America continue to rise to epidemic proportions.

As obesity rises, so does diabetes, and countless other threats to health.

The above study observes the need for more exercise and better eating. But the way our modern lives are structured, people are increasingly consuming junk food on the go.

This is why it is vital to create innovative solutions that provide consumers healthful choices on the move, without sacrificing taste, wholesomeness or convenience.

It is so easy to say it, but as we test at KIND every day, coming up with more solutions that are true to our commitment of using only premium all natural “ingredients you can see and pronounce” that are “KIND to your body, your taste buds and the world” is not that easy.  It has taken us years, but beyond our award-winning line of KIND Fruit & Nut bars, we are working on a few very exciting fronts that should not just help counteract these societal problems, but also yield DELICIOUS healthy options!


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by Adeena Schlussel on behalf of Daniel Lubetzky

This fascinating article breaks down what goes on in your brain during exercise. According to studies, exercise increases Noggin, a protein that facilitates neurogenesis, the production of brain cells.   This proves again that there are manifold benefits to adopting healthy habits!


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by Adeena Schlussel on behalf of Daniel Lubetzky

Thanks to a great article by Stuart Elliot, KIND gained New York Time’s fame yesterday.  Check it out to learn more about the KIND movement, our unique business model, and Daniel’s unbounded energy to surprise complete strangers with random acts of KINDness!


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by Adeena Schlussel on behalf of Daniel Lubetzky

Our Mango Macademia bar got a great shout out from Glamour Magazine for being tasty and kind to your weight loss effort!


Afternoon Snack: Mango + Macadamia Nuts = A Really Tasty Bar

I have a thing for mangoes and macadamia nuts. Together, I just learned, they combine to create something that’s really, truly delicious. A bar to add to your must-try list …


Loving the mango macadamia nut bar from KIND bars. It has a mellow, fruity flavor, and its packed with chunks of macadamia nuts–my favorite.

The nutrition stats: 190 calories and 12 grams of fat. A note on the fat content: As I’ve mentioned before, I don’t fret about fat that come from nuts. Remember, we’re talking about monounsaturated fats here–the good fats. Yes, you’ll get some saturated fat too, but it’s less troubling than the kind that comes from fried food or meat. So, let’s lot get in a tizzy about fat grams here. :)

Plus, I love that this bar is a great source of calcium, fiber, and that it’s high in folic acid and vitamin D3!


P.S. Lots and lots of more bars reviewed by Vitamin G, here.

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by Adeena Schlussel on behalf of Daniel Lubetzky

Watch this clip to see KIND featured among top choices for healthy snacking according to Katie Cavuto of Healthy Bites!

View more news videos at:

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by Adeena Schlussel on behalf of Daniel Lubetzky

This article notes an interesting psychological discovery that children gravitate towards foods that are branded with familiar cartoons.  Unfortunately, this familiarity often leads kids to choose a less healthy choice.  Some findings even report that children find food tastier when the packaging is branded with a favorite cartoon character.


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Get great tips from the KIND Diet

Published under Health, KIND Snacks, Life Jun 15, 2010

by Adeena Schlussel on behalf of Daniel Lubetzky

Check out the KIND diet to learn useful tips about being healthy and looking great too!


It’s not a diet, it’s KIND! The KIND team came up with 10 tips to help you adopt a KIND lifestyle that will make you not only look good but, more importantly, feel great!


Don’t skip meals!
When you don’t eat your body actually goes into “starvation mode” and your metabolism slows. If you skip a meal your chances of overeating dramatically increase and brain function such as memory, concentration, and mood can suffer.


Eat breakfast like a KING…
Someone that lived a KIND lifestyle once said “Eat breakfast like a KING, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a pauper”. Eating a complete, well-balanced meal in the morning jump starts your metabolism to calorie-burning mode. If you do not eat until lunch time, you body will not burn as many calories as you would during the morning period. In fact, research indicates that people who do not eat breakfast are more likely to be overweight than those who eat a proper breakfast. Breakfast is a great way to boost energy levels, brain power and help with weight control.


Watch your caloric intake
Understanding your calorie needs is important for weight control and can help with your meal planning. Depending on your weight and activity level, you should eat somewhere between 1500-2000 each day. Click here to find the caloric intake that is right for you.


Keep portions in check
Most of the time, we crave more than what our bodies really require. No matter what the food, portions do matter! Meals should include a protein serving the size of a deck of cards, plenty of veggies with small amounts of healthy fats and swap out the refined grains for whole grains. Limit “unhealthy” saturated fat and trans fat. It usually takes about 20 minutes for your stomach to signal to your brain that you are “full” so try not to eat until you get that “full” feeling. That’s a sign that you overate! Click here for more information on portion sizes.


Avoid empty calories.
Look for nutritionally dense foods where you get a bang for your buck. These are foods high in vitamins and nutrients compared to their calorie content. Examples: lean meats and fish, beans, whole grains, vegetables and fruits.


Know your fats:
Look for foods high in monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. These are good for your heart, make you feel full and promote weight control. Those Mediterraneans are really on to something…


Drink water!
Even better, drink water before you eat and drink throughout the day. A lot of the time when you think you are hungry, you are actually just dehydrated. Remember caffeine is a diuretic so if you drink a cup of coffee, you should drink more water in order to stay hydrated!


Get some exercise
Sure going to the gym and getting a good sweat is great, but there are other ways to get some exercise if you can’t do it like a gym rat. Take the stairs, park further away when you are at the grocery store or the movies, take up a hobby like dancing or biking, plan weekends to involve some sort of activity.


Sleep well
You should get at least 7-8 hours each night. When we don’t get enough sleep we get cranky, makes it hard to focus and we are more prone to eat unhealthy foods. Lack of sleep may disrupt natural hormonal balances, increasing appetite and triggering overeating.


Research shows that happy people are healthier and giving to others actually can improve your overall health. Do an unexpected KIND act for someone: offer to carry someone’s heavy bag, let someone go in front of you in line, give up your middle seat on an airplane. Stepping out of your comfort zone feels good, it will make someone’s day and yours too.

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by Adeena Schlussel on behalf of Daniel Lubetzky

According to a new report, it is believed that if you were to eat foods promoted in advertisements, your nutrition would suffer. The New York Times quotes says that people who abide by advertisement suggestions “consume 25 times the recommended amount of sugar and 20 times the amount of fat they need, but less than half the dairy, fiber and fruits and vegetables”. Read more about the study later this month when it is published in The Journal of the American Dietetic Association.


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