SKOLL Launches ‘Urgent Threats Fund’
Published under Environment, Health, Innovation, Leadership, Middle East, Mideast Negotiations, Philanthropy Apr 14, 2009There are some people in the world that you are just grateful for them being around. Jeff Skoll is one of them. He is the most unassuming, down-to-earth, self-effacing guy, and at the same time among the most accomplished, brilliant, strategic, successful and deeply committed to make this a better world.
I have been following him for a few years and wish we could clone him, or at least learn what in his upbringing made him into a person that is so truly committed to human betterment. Is it Canadian education and society? Jewish family values? Parental role models? Genes? Childhood influences – positive or negative? Socio-cultural exposure?
In his TED talk, he mentions how his Father’s health challenges were a wake up call to him. But there has to be more.
Anyway, Jeff has now created his next venture: the Urgent Threats Fund, designed to tackle the 5 greatest challenges facing humanity: Global Pandemics, Nuclear Proliferation, Mideast Conflict, Water Scarcity, and Climate Change.
The New York Times reports about it here.
Sally Osberg, President of the Skoll Foundation, shared a note with Skoll Social Entrepreneurs explaining:
I also write to let you know that we will announce today the launch of the Skoll Urgent Threats Fund, which will be led by our dear friend and an extraordinary human being, Larry Brilliant. Larry’s new role will be Senior Adviser to Jeff Skoll and President of the new organization, which Jeff will chair and on whose board both Larry and I will sit. This newest venture joins the portfolio of creations—including the Foundation, Capricorn, and Participant Media—that Jeff has founded to advance his vision of a more peaceful, prosperous and sustainable world. Together with the Foundation’s board and staff, I couldn’t be more excited about the opportunities ahead for us all!
You can learn more at the Skoll Foundation site.