Archive for the ‘Health’ Category

Food Business News came out with a staggering statistic that sugar makes up 16% of American kids’ calorie intake.  Research has shown that added sugars are most commonly found in soda which of course provides no nutritional benefit.  While food items like nuts and fruit contain sugar, this type of sugar is naturally occurring and carries nutritional benefits.  The remainder of this article depicts that kids are consuming too much added sugars, a problem that will only exacerbate the obesity and diabetes epidemics.

Spotted by Daniel Lubetzky, by Adeena Schlussel


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Top magazines continue to go nuts over KIND.  Men’s Health praised KIND Peanut Butter & Strawberry for being healthy and tasty, with the right amount of protein and strawberries that add a dash of sweetness while keeping sugar to a minimum.  All You recommends KIND as a great source of antioxidants when you need a tasty snack in the afternoon.  Self Magazine loves KIND bars so much that they are giving away 1,000 Blueberry Pecan bars to their beloved, lucky readers.  And if that’s not enough KIND bars up for grabs, Parenting is giving away a year’s supply of KIND bars and KIND Healthy Grains, along with two consultations with a registered dietician to help you snack your way to a new you.

No matter the reader, it seems that there’s a KIND for everyone!

By Adeena Schlussel




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A new study performed by Berkeley researchers supports the theory that those who engage in brain stimulating activities are less likely to suffer from Alzheimer’s.  The findings of this study are innovative in that the study has identified a protein linked to Alzheimer’s and posits that puzzles and reading can decrease the presence of this protein.  As the article states, ““There is no downside to cognitive activity. It can only be beneficial…”

Spotted by Daniel Lubetzky, by Adeena Schlussel


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The Dangers of Household Chemicals

Published under Health Jan 30, 2012

This article delineates the dangers of household chemicals, mainly that they can render children’s’ vaccinations ineffective and compromise our immune systems.

Spotted by Daniel Lubetzky, by Adeena Schlussel


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For the second time in January, KIND was praised on the TODAY show for its high protein content and nutritional value.  This time, not only was KIND awarded a blue ribbon for being the best ranked bar, but Men’s Health editor David Zinczecko dubbed it “the Ryan Gosling of bars,” a high honor indeed!


By Adeena Schlussel

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KIND received praise from Elizabeth Somer, author of Eat Your Way Sexy, as a perfect treat that cuts out sugar from on-the-go snacking.  Check out the link below to see more about why the TODAY Show recommends KIND as a healthy and filling snack!



By Adeena Schlussel

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Martha Stewart’s Everyday Living lauded KIND Healthy Grains for its whole grains and “good-for-you mix-ins.” The magazine favors KIND Healthy Grains over alternative granolas for being gluten free, low in sugar and fat, and for its perfect cluster size that allows for eating by the handful.




Spotted by Daniel Lubetzky, by Adeena Schlussel

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More and more top magazines have been showing their love for KIND! US Weekly took us inside Piper Parabo’s bag, revealing a KIND Nut Delight that the actress totes for safe snacking.  At the same time, Prevention Magazine echoes the praise for KIND, declaring KIND to be a perfect breakfast routine.

Spotted by Daniel Lubetzky, by Adeena Schlussel

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KIND Healthy Grains have only recently launched, but they are already an O, The Oprah Magazine favorite!  Oprah’s crew described KIND Healthy Grains as a delicious way to get a daily dose of healthful whole grains and we would have to agree!


Spotted by Daniel Lubetzky, by Adeena Schlussel

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While I pride myself in the KIND culture embodied by our family at KIND, and while that includes always respecting our competitors, I couldn’t help commenting on the deceptive advertising by ThinkThin.

Fortunately the media has taken the lead to comment on how ThinkThin is an artificial blob of unpronounceable stuff and ranked ThinkThin as the WORST bar to consume.

But when I was walking by the Natural Products Expo East show and saw this sign, it prompted me to comment on how deceptive and deceitful it is.

photo (27)

First of all, their new tagline "It’s all about what’s inside" is embarrassing on their behalf, as "what’s inside" a ThinkThin bar is maltitol, an artificial product that does not exist in nature and does not belong in products proclaiming to be natural, along with other artificial ingredients that are hard to pronounce and that cause gas and bloating.

On top of that, they outright deceive consumers by comparing FRUIT & NUT bars to their bars, which contain no fruits, only nuts and artificial ingredients. They claim they have 70% less sugar that Fruit & Nut bars. But the way they achieve this feat is by a) including artificial sweeteners instead of real food like honey, and b) by excluding fruit but comparing themselves to a fruit bar. Well, fruit of course has natural sugar, and any nutritionist will recommend it to you. What nutritionists will not recommend is for you to eat maltitol or any of the unpronounceable stuff ThinkThin puts in their products.

If ThinkThin was honest it would have compared their Nut bars to NUT bars, such as KIND’s Nut Delight. If you make that comparison, their "70% less sugar" claim falls apart, and KIND’s Nut Delight, which doesn’t contain fruit, stands up much more favorably to the artificial nutritionals achieved by ThinkThin – with KIND’s product being totally natural and avoiding artificial sweeteners that are not found in nature, not to mention the supreme taste and quality of KIND products.

I have been in the natural industry for about 18 years and am proud that most companies are truly committed to truthfulness and integrity. It is disappointing when a few bad apples deceive consumers. ThinkThin has a history of trying to do so, growing, and then falling on its head and imploding when it is discovered. Its earlier incarnation was as a performance food bar that was supposed to make you smarter and all other sorts of nonsense. Then it imploded, and eventually it reinvented itself as a natural diet product, even though there is nothing natural about it.

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