Archive for the ‘Israel’ Category

This NYT Op-Ed was written by Ephraim Sneh, a former Labor Knesset member and Deputy Defense Minister who serves on OneVoice’s Board.  This article is worth reading, as he represents the centrist pro-Israel and pro-peace progressive, but also harbors a protective view that can appeal to the majority of Israelis.



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This recent article, by Daniel’s friend Gershon Baskin, adds valuable insight to the conversation about determining borders in the Mideast. Baskin explains that when creating borders, if a partition becomes undesirable, a territorial conflict becomes an identity-conflict, which is when there are two separate national or ethnic groups fighting to dominate the territory. The example that Baskin gives is as follows: When the former Yugoslavia was fragmented, various areas with obvious identities were able to become nation states; however, Bosnia and Herzegovina’s identities were muddled with various cultures and ethnicities, and a battle for control began.  Baskin goes on to conclude that a one state solution for the Palestinian and Israeli conflict is not a solution at all.  This option will only lead to a struggle over which identity will dominate that singular state, and for as long as Palestinians and Israelis are unwilling to compromise their identity, a two state solution is the only viable one.


Spotted by Daniel Lubetzky, by Adeena Schlussel


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According to a recent Op-Ed by Amb. Stuart Eizenstat, it is essential for the American Jewish community to recognize that President Obama’s broad principles provide the key to a safe and secure Jewish state.


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An op-ed in Friday’s New York Times argues that Palestinian UN recognition could advance not only Palestinian goals, both those of the Israelis as well, if certain components are included.


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This video is very well done, regardless if one thinks that Israel should return to her 1967 borders. As the video describes, some Israelis are very concerned about returning to their previous borders from a defense perspective, and it is important to understand their viewpoint.



Others feel that Israel would be able to adequately defend herself (as seen in the 1967 war), and that the West Bank is not crucial to doing so.  As Mr. van Creveld, an Israeli military historian said in an article in the New York Times: “Strategically speaking . . . the risk of giving up the West Bank “is negligible.” He continued: “What is not negligible is the demographic, social, cultural and political challenge that ruling over 2.5 million — nobody knows exactly how many — occupied Palestinians in the West Bank poses. Should Israeli rule over them continue, then the country will definitely turn into what it is already fast becoming: namely, an apartheid state that can only maintain its control by means of repressive secret police actions.”


Spotted by Daniel Lubetzky, by Adeena Schlussel


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Although this article by Tom Friedman over simplifies the tensions between Israelis and Palestinians, it promotes a laudable lesson: Israeli and Palestinian leaders need to come together over a share goal, instead of working separately to advance their own agendas. The lessons learned from Mubarak’s ousting from Egypt teach that non-violence and leveraging  political and economic advantages will save the day.

by Adeena Schlussel


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Below is an interview between two OneVoice Youth Leaders, Danny Shaket and Ahmad Omeir, that was featured on NPR.  The two Youth Leaders, along with host Michel Martin, discussed their perspectives about the President’s meeting with Netanyahu. This clip shows the insights and potential change that can come from youth leading grassroots movements on the ground.

Spotted by Daniel Lubetzky, by Adeena Schlussel


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This weekend, President Obama addressed the AIPAC community at their annual Policy Conference.  The President reaffirmed America and Israel’s valuable friendship and discussed the pressing need for striking peace in the region.  Read the full remarks below.


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Samer, the Executive Director of OVP saw this near his village and shared it because it really captures the challenges of how Palestinians and Israelis are attending to the conflict:

“We are living in a fantasy, they are living in denial.”


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An interesting read

Published under Israel, Middle East, Palestine, Religion May 05, 2011

This New York Times article about the effects of Hamas and Fatah’s recent union is worth reading:


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