Archive for the ‘Middle East’ Category

This dialogue with Gershon Baskin, Chairman of the Israeli-Palestinian Centre For Research and Information (ICPRI), provides an informative history and analysis of past and future attempts at peace between Israel and Palestine. From his insights, we learn that we need to empower the moderates to change the reality and create a lasting peace at this opportune time.

Spotted by Daniel Lubetzky, by Julianna Storch


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The poll mentioned in this article indicates that we have a lot of work to do in order to help Israelis and Palestinians visualize that ending the conflict is possible IF they take matters into their own hands to make it happen. So long as people don’t believe that peace can come about, they will not invest themselves in helping bring it about, and it will be a self-fulfilling negative prophecy.


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French multinational communications company, Publicis Groupe, is set to purchase an equity stake in Ramallah-based advertising agency Zoom. Publicis Groupe Chairman and CEO Maurice Lévy said of the deal, “Moreover, it is also a call to French and international companies to set up in the region and to contribute to creating the economic development without which there can be no durable peace.”

Spotted by Daniel Lubetzky, by Julianna Storch

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Tal Harris, director of OneVoice Israel, wrote a compelling piece in The Jerusalem Post, outlining the choices Israel has to make and the actions the Israeli public must take in order to move forward towards peace in the region.

Spotted by Daniel Lubetzky, by Julianna Storch

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This inspirational video highlights the next generation of peace makers from Seeds of Peace. With the help of these future leaders, we can Imagine 2018.

Spotted by Daniel Lubetzky, by Julianna Storch

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Clifford May wrote an article worth reading for all those who are determined to truly address the refugee issue and resolve the Arab-Israeli conflict.  In addition to the points made in the article, it is important to track the real numbers of refugees, EVEN if I you count their descendants. Some of the estimates regularly shared are inflated beyond belief.  A way to confirm this is simply by tracking how many Palestinians were living in total prior to 1948, then tracking how many of them left and how many of them stayed at the time, and how many are there today, and compare to the estimated number who is considered a refugee today. Even if everyone who left, and everyone of their descendants were to considered a refugee, and even if their birthrate was far higher than the one in the West Bank and Gaza and within Israel, the discrepancies would still be quite apparent.

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The attached Arabic website links to an Israeli Channel 10 video revealing back-channel negotiations where Khaled Maashal from Hamas apparently offered Olmert a peace deal in exchange for permitting Hamas to lead and rule in Gaza, and presumably eventually across Palestine.  The offer never got off the ground. But just the plausibility that Hamas/Maashal offered such terms is causing enormous commotion within Palestine.  Beyond weakening Hamas and Maashal and strengthening Abbas and Fatah, it legitimizes the path of negotiations and reconciliation.  But more troubling, it may drive deeper divisions within Hamas and possibly isolate any moderating influences and prevent a reconciliation that would allow centrists in Hamas and Fatah to do a responsible coalition to negotiate a two state solution with Israel.

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After taking a closer look at the Meditalia Olive Tapenade, a Brooklyn Co-op member realizes that there is more behind the spread than just its ingredients.  Check out this well written article to see how PeaceWorks made an impression on Leah Koenig during the debates in Park Slope.

Spotted by Daniel Lubetzky, by Adeena Schlussel


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Former UK Foreign Secretary David Miliband attended a OneVoice gala dinner in London earlier this week and made it clear that he feels it’s crucial to establish a Palestinian state alongside a secure state of Israel- anything less would be a great “diplomatic failure.”  The former Foreign Secretary went on to state that “It’s the greatest diplomatic failure because actually it is one of those international problems to which there is a viable solution.”  To read the full transcript, see below, or watch this video:


Spotted by Daniel Lubetzky, by Adeena Schlussel


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This video contains a sweet message about peace that is very similar to OneVoice’s Imagine 2018 campaign.

Spotted by Daniel Lubetzky, by Adeena Schlussel

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