Archive for the ‘Middle East’ Category

The most fundamental causes of the popular uprisings across the Arab world are of course peoples’ desire for freedom and rule of law, and their disgust at corruption and oppression.  Few times in history do totalitarian or authoritarian regimes successfully repress their people for more than two generations, and zero times in history do these regimes last much longer than that, relatively speaking.

And yet, what were the triggers to the Jasmine revolution? Was it Obama’s historic election and his speech in Cairo in 2009? Was it President Bush’s exhortation of democracy? Was it the Wikileaks? We know that the self-immolation of Mohamed Bouazizi was the immediate trigger in Tunisia. But what made the population so ready to react with enormous support to kindle the historic street demonstrations and revolutions to spread across the Arab world?

Among the greatest contributors was the rise of food prices, which surged 40% in the preceding year.  More acutely, staples like rice and other core grains rose exponentially.  The surge in prices of essential commodities actually displaced a staggering number of people from middle class to poverty.  By some estimates, 40 million Arabs descended below poverty levels over the last two years because they could not afford food to put on the table. 

The biggest factor contributing to the rise in commodities and food prices is of course the growth of China.  As hundreds of millions of Chinese have improved their standard of living, this has put enormous pressure on natural resources, raw materials, and food basics, among others.

It is thus ironic that the greatest trigger to demand freedom in the Arab world was not the work of great democracies like the United States or France, but, unwittingly, the growth of a China, a country under the leadership of another totalitarian one-party regime.  The irony will close the cycle when the movement for openness boomerangs and catches up with Chinese repression.

Russia and China have maintained that people prize stability over freedom and that as long as the central State creates conditions for economic growth, people will be complacent and will be willing to literally sell away their rights.  In fact, this very economic growth will eventually catch up with these regimes.

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The following two clips from MEMRI provide a good glimpse of the cultural undercurrent and passion that captivated millions to demand freedom across the Arab world:

Egypt Uprising – Young Egyptian Performers Recruit Al-Tahrir Square Protesters and Slogans for New Hit: The Voice of Freedom

Yemeni Comedian Adre’i Sings Rap Song about the Revolution, the Masses Chant: "The People Wants to Topple the Regime"

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“Iran wants to fight America and Israel down to the last Palestinian, Lebanese and Iraqi.”

As quoted by Karim S in Arab Rise, Tehran Trembles


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“The taste of freedom is very delicious"

- protester in Eastern province freed from Qaddafi’s megalomaniacal 40-year rule over Libya


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This article in the New York Times illustrates a picture of protesters in Tahrir Square and has great information about how non-violent movements organize themselves.


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It is especially fitting that the following OneVoice music video aired repeatedly in Times Square, the capital of diversity and entertainment in NYC.  Check out this great video by clicking on the photo below, to see the humorous message of peace and hope that thousands of New Yorkers got a chance to see:


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The statement from President Obama below is masterful given all the challenges from the current circumstances.  It really is right on track!


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Samer Makhlouf, director of OneVoice Palestine just shared a very hopeful bit of information with me, in the form of a survey.  The survey, found on Maan Network asked the following:

The Palestinian society is capable of changing the Israeli political map through:

1. explaining the suffering under occupation to Israelis

2. non-violent resistance

3. intensifying meetings of Palestinians figures with Israeli media

Two good indicators here are that Palestinians acknowledge the importance of addressing Israeli society, and that more than 80% believe in non-violence as a mean to end the conflict.

Spotted by Daniel Lubetzky, redacted by Adeena Schlussel

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An amazing OpEd in Israel’s Ha’aretz newspaper shows that OneVoice’s Imagine 2018 campaign is a bold and innovative one, and is quickly gaining popular attention.   Prominent Israeli politicians have been receiving a mock ups of an Israeli newspaper from the future, thanking the politicians for attaining peace by 2018.  Read more to see the extensive positive attention that Imagine 2018 has garnered already!

by Adeena Schlussel


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This past week, twenty OneVoice Youth Leaders participated in the annual Nablus Marathon, along with Prime Minister Salam Fayyad and approximately 5000 other participants.  At the end of the marathon, the Youth Leaders, clad in OneVoice tee-shirts, had collected visions of 2018 from their huffing and puffing peers along the course.

The marathon itself is a concrete sign of nation building, and the Youth Leader’s participation, is a sign of the peaceful nation that will hopefully continue to be built.

by Adeena Schlussel, spotted by Daniel Lubetzky




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