Archive for the ‘Middle East’ Category

It is something everyone in the corridors of Arab power tends to acknowledge: that the current Iranian regime is a destabilizing apocalyptic messianic cult whose acquisition of nuclear weapons would be an overwhelming threat to the region.  But it is never publicly discussed or shared with the masses. Till now.  The leaks of diplomatic memos between the US and its foreign allies is a stark affirmation of the danger that Arab – and Israeli – leaders perceive from Iran. 

Here is just one summary:

Graphic: Fears of a Nuclear Iran

Middle East leaders speak about their powerful neighbor with a directness seldom, if ever, heard in public.


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The National Post recently featured a great article by Stephen Harper, the Prime Minister of Canada.  PM Harper stressed the importance not only of never forgetting the evils of the Holocaust, but of proactively speaking out against intolerance and persecution that exists today.  PM Harper’s words are in response to a wave of anti-Semitism that has swept Canadian campuses, and on a larger scale, worldwide. According to the article, the fact that Israel’s right to exist is questioned by other recognized nations is a blatant display of “new” anti-Semitism and that he, and others, must take the “solemn duty to defend the vulnerable, to challenge the aggressor, to protect and promote human dignity, at home and abroad,” very seriously.

Spotted by Daniel Lubetzky, redacted by Adeena Schlussel

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Hamas recently issued a statement depicting their losses in the war.  According to the report, Israel killed 250 Hamas members at police headquarters and another 150 security personnel were killed.  These numbers match IDF estimates.  Previous to this report, Hamas overestimated civilian deaths and underestimated the number of Hamas operatives killed to prevent demoralization, but in either scenario, the deaths associated with the war are incredibly tragic.

“Spotted by Daniel Lubetzky, redacted by Adeena Schlussel”


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I just read a New York Times article that reminded me think that it is astonishing how deep is the cult of ‘resistance’ in the Arab world that thugs like Nassrallah are seen as heroes. He is among the most popular figures in Egypt and Palestine (and all across the Mideast) and seen as an upright honest leader. It is fascinating how human beings can rationalize facts away when they interfere with their romantic notions. The way Hezbollah has been bullying Saad Hariri and the Lebanese people to stop seeking answers for who was behind the assassination of the former Lebanese PM Rafik Hariri should disgust any human being who cares about justice. Nassrallah is to Lebanon what an organized Mafia family head would be to a jury investigating their crimes if he publicly threatened the jury in court.

Too bad the Saudis, the Sunnis and the Americans among many others who should compose civil society and the police have done so little to protect them.


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An article in today’s Haaretz reveals a recent trend in the Israeli Army: Palestinian Leadership has been addressing Israeli soldiers and officers “to inform soldiers and officers of the nature of recent changes in the West Bank, and of the complexity of their mission when operating within the Palestinian populace.”  This unique cooperation between the Israeli army and Palestinian official is unprecedented and completely amazing! This story shows that even in the most unlikely of places, peace can flourish.

“Spotted by Daniel Lubetzky, redacted by Adeena Schlussel”


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Dennis Ross, the Special Assistant to the President and friend of OneVoice, addressed AIPAC at their Florida Summit this week.  In his remarks, Mr. Ross spoke about the dangers of Iran and the effect that the Iran Sanctions, Accountability and Divestment Act has had on Iran’s relationship with the world.  Mr. Ross concluded his speech by reiterating the need for peace, and the specific importance of moderates remaining engaged in a proactive peace process.


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Ruth Gavison just wrote one of the only sufficiently nuanced and appropriately balanced pieces I have read on the issue of the proposed pledge of allegiance for immigrants who want to become Israeli citizens.  Too many issues in this conflict are used as weapons from the left or the right to score points. 

In critiquing some of the elements of the approach at present but also dismissing blanket accusations against this law, she writes:

A nation is under no obligation to grant citizenship to anyone and it most certainly does not have to grant citizenship to an individual who is opposed to key elements in its creed. A nation is under no obligation to "volunteer" to accept those how object to its fundamental goals as residents or citizens, nor does it have to accept those who will become a financial, social or political burden.

People interested in the issue should carefully read her piece.

For those who think Gavison is a right wing militant trying to justify Lieberman’s rants, here is some context: I took a course from Gavison back in 1989 when I was studying at Hebrew University in Jerusalem, and she had a reputation for being a bit of a radical leftist.  The truth, as always elusive on these issues, was that Gavison was a principled academic who, like with this article, called it like she saw it, even if she angered people on the “left” or on the “right.”  By no means perfect (as the issue itself is a difficult one), this piece is good food for thought.


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By Adeena Schlussel on behalf of Daniel Lubetzky

A recent article in Haaretz tells that the PA has just adopted a textbook for school children that presumably depicts the shared historical narratives of both the Palestinians and Israeli Zionist Movements, in effort to promote co-existence through education.  Israel, on the other hand has rejected this book from its curriculum.  Vetting and implementing this textbook would be a beautiful step in furthering Israeli and Palestinian children’s comprehension of the conflict, and its origins and complexities, and would hopefully foster an understanding between children on opposing sides of the conflict. Let’s hope that Israel implements the book soon, and that both sides maintain the progressive sentiment that this effort reflects.


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Check out Ezzeldeen Masri’s vision for Palestine in 2018.  I hope that his vision for peace and cooperation continue to spread beyond OneVoice and inspire widespread change that the nations need at this time.

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Shlomo Ben-Ami wrote a very persuasive piece in The Guardian explaining that, precisely because the “moderate” leadership has no legitimacy because it was not elected and has hung on to power for too long, it forces them to be “unyielding” and to lack the power of compromise.  He writes:

“The assumption – dear to the architects of the current process – that peace can be achieved by driving a wedge between "moderates" and "extremists" is a fatal misconception. The paradox here is double. Not only does one negotiate with the illegitimate "moderates", but it is precisely because of their legitimacy deficit that the moderates are forced to be unyielding on core issues, lest the radicals label them treasonous.”

He adds:

The Palestinian negotiators’ dangerous lack of legitimacy – and, indeed, the disorientation of the entire Palestinian national movement – is reflected in the return of the PLO to its pre-Arafat days, when it was the tool of Arab regimes instead of an autonomous movement. The green light was given to the current negotiators by the Arab League, not by the elected representatives of the Palestinian people


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