Archive for the ‘Middle East’ Category

This article by Nathaniel Fick and Vikram Singh provides very practical and sensible prescriptions for progress in stabilizing Afghanistan.


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The Acre Debacle

Published under Israel, Middle East, Religion Oct 11, 2008

And on the very negative side, as reported here, small mistakes led to what is already a tragedy: 3 days of violent attacks between Arabs and Jews in the ancient site of Akko (Acre), within Israel.  If it is not managed through political and communal leadership into an aberration in an area normally known for peaceful relations, it could be an omen for terrible things to come.


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In a watershed development, Syria recently condemned radical Islamists as responsible for a terrorist act in Damascus.  And Pakistanis are increasingly rejecting Al-Qaeda and Osama bin Laden (as opposed to a regrettable situation where a significant portion of that population was empathetic in the past).  Across the Arab world and Muslim society, more and more citizens are recognizing the imperative of standing up against all forms of violent extremism…


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24 Sep 2008

Iran built a danger to the entire world. Its quest for religious hegemony and regional dominance divides the Middle East and holds back chances for peace, while undermining human rights.

President Shimon Peres addresses UN General Assembly

From his speech, quoting Rabbi Nachman of Breslav:

May it be thy will to remove war and bloodshed from the world and perpetuate the wonders and greatness of peace. All the inhabitants of the world shall recognize and know the truth: that we have not been placed on this earth to wage war and not for hatred or bloodshed. "

Address by the President of the State of Israel, Shimon Peres, at the United Nations General Assembly
24 September 2008

Mr. President,
Ladies and Gentlemen,

Over 60 years have passed since the United Nations General Assembly voted on the historic resolution that would have put an end to the Arab-Israeli conflict. Resolution 181 called for the establishment of a Jewish and an Arab state. Its title was: "Plan of Partition with Economic Union". It envisioned two states for two peoples, each fulfilling a distinct national aspiration.


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Here is a fascinating story about an Iraqi parliamentarian that broke all taboos to travel to an anti-terrorism conference – in Israel – and warned about Iran’s nuclear threats. What is particularly remarkable is that he had already challenged the taboo in the past, paid for it with the lives of his two sons, and yet continued to preach a message of peace and managed to get enough Iraqis to elect him to Parliament. 


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It is not surprising that Israeli Jews prefer Israel’s integration with the West over the "Middle East."  But what is interesting is that even a majority of Israeli Arabs (or Palestinian citizens of Israel) prioritize raprochement with the West (Europe, US) over the Mideast. click here.


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Life in Gaza

Published under Gaza, Middle East, Palestine Sep 09, 2008

Interesting article about life in Gaza under Hamas.


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To the many well-intentioned Iran scholars who wistfully point out that Ahmedinajad’s rants can be discounted because true power lies in Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, the ‘Supreme Religious Leader,’ his recent defense of Ahmadinejad, including of his nuclear policy and confrontational style, should cause pause.


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David Harris on Refugees

Published under Israel, Middle East, Palestine Aug 07, 2008

I was forwarded a provocative but interesting article by David Harris, head of AJC.  While I am a fervent supporter of Israel as the haven and homeland of the Jewish people, I am very sympathetic to the plight of the Palestinian refugees, and I think more will be accomplished by acknowledging their suffering and then moving on to practical solutions along the Clinton parameters.  But Harris does raise some provocative points worthy of consideration. Unfortunately, as with almost everything dealing with the Israeli-Arab conflict, this line of reasoning will appeal to partisan pro-Israeli views and repel partisan pro-Palestinian views, and nothing will come out of it except to further affirm the partisan convictions of each side – which is why I revert back to the approach of helping each side better understand the other’s narrative and then focus on WORKING SOLUTIONS like those offered in OneVoice’s citizen negotiations and the Clinton parameters.  Anyway, here is the article:


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From the OneVoice newsletter:

The results are in!

Ø 50 Palestinian winners and 50 Israeli winners have been selected

Ø Read some of the winning essays

Ø Israel & Palestine to Co-Host World Cup in 2018? Check out one vision for the future

· OneVoice Youth Leadership & outreach update

Ø OneVoice Israeli & Palestinian Youth to Tony Blair: “A Mideast Quintet”

Ø From our Gaza office: Town Hall Meeting in Beit Hanoun

Ø OneVoice is Referenced in House of Lords Debate 5 Times

Ø OneVoice Student Leader at Stanford Organizes Islam-West Unity Event

The Imagine 2018 campaign has only just begun – now that 100 winning essayists have been selected, 10 foremost directors will begin selecting 10 essays to turn into short films. 

These films – the visions of Israeli and Palestinian youth brought to life – will be used to inspire people worldwide to envision some of the tangible benefits peace – to empower people to take action, and to ensure that the leadership acts with urgency and commitment to reach a two state agreement which ends the occupation and all forms of violence, and establishes a viable, independent Palestinian state living side by side in peace and security with the state of Israel.

How you can get involved:

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