Published under ‘life’

It never crossed my mind that an idea that began to take shape years ago to heal divisions among nations would be as urgently needed to bridge divides within our own country. Today, I am proud to announce how Empatico will help address the major challenges that our nation and world face in terms of [...]

By Fareed Zakaria, Thursday, Oct. 5, 2017 “He was a sick man, a demented man,” said President Trump, trying to explain the latest mass shooting in the United States. We hear this view expressed routinely, after every new incident. But it is a dodge, a distortion of the facts and a cop-out as to the [...]

Weighing a big decision? Here’s what experts say about when to go with your gut or your rational brain—or some combination of both. By Elizabeth Bernstein You have an important decision to make. You’ve done research, made a list of the pros and cons, asked friends and family for advice. When should you just trust [...]

Captain Fantastic

Published under Introspection Oct 02, 2017

My wife and I recently saw Captain Fantastic. I highly recommend it! It was thought provoking — about parenting, modern society, capitalism, and life in general. Strong, powerful, sad, entertaining and very well done. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen such a good movie.

Heard from Eli Broad at Forbes 400 today. These are the 3 smart questions that he asks himself before deciding whether to fund a project.

Creative and well executed ad

By STEVE HARTMAN CBS NEWS NEW YORK — This week we saw what a trillion gallons of water can cover. But more importantly, we saw what it can uncover — our potential as a nation. I know it seems like eons ago, but remember what was in the news before this? Remember when nothing was [...]

The 20-something heads of the Centrist Project and the Millennial Action Project say the problems of America run deeper than just the current President. Source: CNN