by Adeena Schlussel on behalf of Daniel Lubetzky

“Daily Show” host, Jon Stewart announced that he will be running a rally on the National Mall in Washington, D.C., according to the New York Times.  The rally, first dubbed “Rally to Restore Sanity” and now called “Million Moderate March,” is meant to offset the extremist opinions that dominate the majority of political debate and promises to be as good a show as his regular one!


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Earlier tonight at a reception by the Skoll Foundation on the occasion of the CGI conference, I had an interesting conversation with Wendy Kopp, founder of Teach for America.  One of her insights is that the key to improving our education system is not in undermining teachers, who are far stronger than the stereotypical condemnations would lead one to believe. The key is to empower students with the vision that they are worthy and deserving of a higher education and a brighter future – to increase their self-worth through visualization about the possibilities before them.

What I found interesting is that, like OneVoice’s 2018 insight about visualization of a two-state solution as key to get there, here in education an ability to visualize a better future is again central to getting there.

Like Thoreau wrote, "If you have built clouds on the sky your work need not be lost.  That is where they should be. Now build the foundations under them." (I paraphrase from memory so don’t quote me)

I have always thought that the keys to improving our education and giving young people an "edge" is to teach kids about IMAGINATION AND CREATIVITY, about how to be INTROSPECTIVE AND SELF-CRITICAL, about how to do CRITICAL THINKING and evaluation of issues before them – questioning all assumptions, and to be RESILIENT/PERSISTENT, and GOAL-ORIENTED.  Wendy agreed all of these are very important aspects of growth in education.

But a prerequisite seems to be the ATTITUDE.  And that attitude can emanate from a positive view of ourselves and our future.

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Cone Communications is behind another study that claims consumers buy products because of their social mission – this time emphasizing mothers and young people are at the forefront of this trend.  As much as I am a committed social entrepreneur whose life is dedicated to find creative ways to advance social goals using market mechanisms, I have from my experience always been skeptical of this claim.  There are enormous benefits to being socially conscious, not the least of which is that it gives you meaning.  And it attracts the best team to join you on your journey, and generates loyalty, goodwill, word of mouth, media attention, and more.  But purchases ultimately are made by consumers primarily based on whether a product fits their personal lifestyle, and price, quality and taste are foremost facts when these choices are made.  That said, I do sense over the last 15 years that consumers are becoming more educated and supportive of socially conscious ventures, particularly when they can be seen to be sincere.  So whatever the actual behavior has been, it certainly is shifting more and more towards enlightened capitalism.


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by Adeena Schlussel on behalf of Daniel Lubetzky

In a recent article in Food Business News, Mintel International recently came out with a report titled “Attitudes Toward Sodium and High Fructose Corn Syrup Reduction,” which proves that companies working to develop products with reduced sodium and less amounts of high-fructose corn syrup are excelling. The report quotes an article in the New York Times which claimed that the amount of American’s avoiding this substance has risen by 13% in 2010 alone.  It goes without saying that the companies who will be most successful will be those that heed the preferences of their consumers.


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Now, Meditalia lovers can follow their favorite brand on its Facebook and Twitter pages, as well as on its YouTube channel.  Be sure to stay tuned to learn more about what this exciting addition means for fans of the brand!

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by Adeena Schlussel on behalf of Daniel Lubetzky

Check out this great PBS piece featuring PeaceWorks and Daniel’s efforts to end the Mideast conflict with OneVoice! Thank you Fred De Sam Lazaro for showing how entrepreneurship can enhance relations between Israelis and Palestinians (as well as in other conflict regions) while being lucrative as well.  With the persistence of others who share Daniel’s unyielding passion and belief that economic cooperation can lead to peace, we hope to see a decrease in Mideast tensions soon.

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Excavator, Excavator!

Published under Family, Funnies Sep 14, 2010

Is it just silly parents who find this amusing, or is this one of the funniest video songs anyone has ever listened to? Make sure you listen to all the words – and the deep tone of seriousness with the hip music.  Forget about Coldplay. This is a Lubetzky home favorite now!

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A Dog that Can Cha Cha

Published under Funnies Sep 13, 2010

Check out this video if you are looking to lighten up your day!

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Given all the bad publicity that Chinese companies have gotten for the lax standards and unethical practices employed by the food industry there, resulting in numerous deaths due to consumption of poisoned milk, honey, baby formula, and other food products, it is not surprising that Chinese manufacturers and importers of Chinese food products would not want to publicize the origin of the source of their products.

But it doesn’t make it less ethical.

And the FDA, US Customs and other US agencies do not do nearly enough to protect consumers against these deceptive and dangerous practices.

People often get surprised when they learn that some of the food they may be eating may be manufactured in China, because the manufacturers go very far to try to hide this.  The labels of Mrs. Mays products hide their “Made in China” claim with tiny print on the far side under the wrapper foil. I learned this when analyzing their packaging after they tried (unsuccessfully) to copy our products’ packaging, names, and features.

But the challenge can be even more elusive with the import of raw materials – like honey or peanuts.  And the challenge is no less critical to manufacturers, because of the high incidences of contamination of raw materials in these products from China.

Now a great website,, aims to help consumers and food manufacturers trace where honey comes from.  As reported in Food Business News countries like “Indonesia, Malaysia, Taiwan, Thailand, the Philippines and Mongolia raise few bees and have no history of producing honey in commercial quantities, yet have recently exported large amounts of honey to the United States,” much of it counterfeit from China. 


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by Adeena Schlussel on behalf of Daniel Lubetzky

Food Business News reports that despite knowing that diets full of fruits and vegetables reduce the risk of leading diseases, many Americans are still slaking on their fruits and veggie consumption.  The Center for Disease Control found that only approximately 33% of adults  eat fruit two or more times a day, and only 26% eat vegetables three or more times a day. While there are initiatives working to boost this number, it is important for Americans to internalize the benefits of being KIND to your body (and of course to your taste buds and the world as well)!


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