by Adeena Schlussel on behalf of Daniel Lubetzky

Watch this clip to see KIND featured among top choices for healthy snacking according to Katie Cavuto of Healthy Bites!

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by Adeena Schlussel on behalf of Daniel Lubetzky

This article notes an interesting psychological discovery that children gravitate towards foods that are branded with familiar cartoons.  Unfortunately, this familiarity often leads kids to choose a less healthy choice.  Some findings even report that children find food tastier when the packaging is branded with a favorite cartoon character.


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by Adeena Schlussel on behalf of Daniel Lubetzky

In a recent story, an Israeli TV channel featured OneVoice’s campaign for Israel-Palestine to host the 2018 world cup.  As the story articulates, this ambition may seem just like a fantasy, but according to the philosophy of the OneVoice campaign, there is no reason why Israelis and Palestinians cannot partner to host the world cup in eight years.  The challenge remains for this fantasy to become a reality.  Watch this movie and radio interview with OneVoice’s Tal Harris.

דמיינו: ישראל והרשות יארחו את המונדיאל ב-2018

לרובכם זה ודאי נשמע כמו תסריט דמיוני, אבל בארגון "קול אחד" מאמינים שאין סיבה שישראל והרשות הפלסטינית לא ישתפו פעולה ויארחו יחד את המונדיאל בעוד 8 שנים. "לשם כך צריך לפתור את הסכסוך, והכדורגל הוא כלי מצוין לכך" – אומר יו"ר הארגון טל הריס, שהפיץ סרטון בניסיון לקדם את החזון. האם הדמיון יהפוך למציאות?

חדשות 2 | פורסם 23/06/10 13:33


נסו לדמיין את התסריט הבא: שנת 2018, נבחרות הכדורגל הטובות בעולם עושות את דרכן לשטחי ישראל והרשות הפלסטינית שמארחות את המונדיאל – יחדיו. בארגון "קול אחד" מאמינים שהתסריט הזה יכול להפוך למציאות.

"סרטון שמופץ בימים אלה ברשת מציג שחקני כדורגל שמתחרים על תואר האלופה ליד גדר ההפרדה. את הסרטון הפיק ארגון "קול אחד" (One Voice) שפועל לפיתרון הסכסוך הישראלי-פלסטיני.

"כחלק מחגיגת המונדיאל ניסינו לדמיין איך תיראה שנת 2018 בסכסוך הישראלי פלסטיני", הסביר טל הריס, יו"ר הארגון לחדשות 2 באינטרנט. "לשם כך צריך לפתור את הסכסוך, והכדורגל הוא כלי מצוין לכך".

משיחות עם אנשים בשני צדי הסכסוך ראינו שהדמיון חורג מכל מציאות שאנחנו מכירים, ואם דרום אפריקה שסועת הקרבות הפנימיים והמתח הבין גזעי יכולה לארח אירוע כדורגל כזה, אין סיבה שישראל והרשות הפלסטינית לא יעשו דבר דומה", הוסיף הריס.

"אם לא נקדם את העתיד אחרת – הוא לא יהיה אחרת"

אם הסרטון מזכיר לכם את הפרסומת השנויה במחלוקת של חברת סלולר ששודרה עד לא מזמן בישראל, הריס מבהיר שאין שום רצון להעביר מסר פוליטי. "אם לא נקדם את העתיד אחרת הוא לא יהיה אחרת", אמר. "אנחנו לא חושבים ששלום כולל חייב להיות במדינה אחת, אלא דווקא בשני עמים שחיים זה לצד זה, ורצוי שיהיה גבול ביניהן".

דמיינו: מונדיאל ישראלי-פלסטיני (צילום: חדשות 2)

מונדיאל משותף בישראל?

"כמו במדינות רבות באירופה, נותר לנו רק לפתור את הסכסוך וזה יהיה אפשרי", אמר הריס. "בקרוב נקדם עצומה לשרת התרבות והספורט לימור לבנת, כדי לקדם את ההרשמה למונדיאל ב-2026, כי פספסנו את ההרשמה לזה של 2018".

את הקליפ יצר איתן הלר עבור התנועה "קול אחד", שפעילה מאז 2004 ופועלת בקמפוסים ברחבי הארץ במטרה לקדם פיתרון של שתי מדינות לשני עמים. "אנחנו רוצים לגרום לאנשים לדמיין את הפיתרון ולהבין את המחיר שנדרש כדי להגיע אליו", סיכם הריס. "אני מאמין שזה אפשרי".

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by Adeena Schlussel on behalf of Daniel Lubetzky

A recent article in Haaretz highlights the majority opinion of Palestinians that hope for peace with Israel and wish to achieve political goals via non-violent means.  Results also showed that many Palestinians have more support in Fatah leadership and less in Hamas than in years prior. 


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Get great tips from the KIND Diet

Published under Health, KIND Snacks, Life Jun 15, 2010

by Adeena Schlussel on behalf of Daniel Lubetzky

Check out the KIND diet to learn useful tips about being healthy and looking great too!


It’s not a diet, it’s KIND! The KIND team came up with 10 tips to help you adopt a KIND lifestyle that will make you not only look good but, more importantly, feel great!


Don’t skip meals!
When you don’t eat your body actually goes into “starvation mode” and your metabolism slows. If you skip a meal your chances of overeating dramatically increase and brain function such as memory, concentration, and mood can suffer.


Eat breakfast like a KING…
Someone that lived a KIND lifestyle once said “Eat breakfast like a KING, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a pauper”. Eating a complete, well-balanced meal in the morning jump starts your metabolism to calorie-burning mode. If you do not eat until lunch time, you body will not burn as many calories as you would during the morning period. In fact, research indicates that people who do not eat breakfast are more likely to be overweight than those who eat a proper breakfast. Breakfast is a great way to boost energy levels, brain power and help with weight control.


Watch your caloric intake
Understanding your calorie needs is important for weight control and can help with your meal planning. Depending on your weight and activity level, you should eat somewhere between 1500-2000 each day. Click here to find the caloric intake that is right for you.


Keep portions in check
Most of the time, we crave more than what our bodies really require. No matter what the food, portions do matter! Meals should include a protein serving the size of a deck of cards, plenty of veggies with small amounts of healthy fats and swap out the refined grains for whole grains. Limit “unhealthy” saturated fat and trans fat. It usually takes about 20 minutes for your stomach to signal to your brain that you are “full” so try not to eat until you get that “full” feeling. That’s a sign that you overate! Click here for more information on portion sizes.


Avoid empty calories.
Look for nutritionally dense foods where you get a bang for your buck. These are foods high in vitamins and nutrients compared to their calorie content. Examples: lean meats and fish, beans, whole grains, vegetables and fruits.


Know your fats:
Look for foods high in monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. These are good for your heart, make you feel full and promote weight control. Those Mediterraneans are really on to something…


Drink water!
Even better, drink water before you eat and drink throughout the day. A lot of the time when you think you are hungry, you are actually just dehydrated. Remember caffeine is a diuretic so if you drink a cup of coffee, you should drink more water in order to stay hydrated!


Get some exercise
Sure going to the gym and getting a good sweat is great, but there are other ways to get some exercise if you can’t do it like a gym rat. Take the stairs, park further away when you are at the grocery store or the movies, take up a hobby like dancing or biking, plan weekends to involve some sort of activity.


Sleep well
You should get at least 7-8 hours each night. When we don’t get enough sleep we get cranky, makes it hard to focus and we are more prone to eat unhealthy foods. Lack of sleep may disrupt natural hormonal balances, increasing appetite and triggering overeating.


Research shows that happy people are healthier and giving to others actually can improve your overall health. Do an unexpected KIND act for someone: offer to carry someone’s heavy bag, let someone go in front of you in line, give up your middle seat on an airplane. Stepping out of your comfort zone feels good, it will make someone’s day and yours too.

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Olivia Judson’s articles are always so interesting.  Here is a fascinating – and disconcerting – look at how cuckoo birds plant their eggs in other birds’ nests and fool them into caring for their chicks – often in lieu of the actual offspring that are thrown out!


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Amos Oz speaks the OneVoice language like few others – maybe only King Abdullah and Queen Rania do a better job.  Here is a solid piece analyzing the proper use of force, and the only way out of this conflict –by recognition of the simple fact by Israelis and Palestinians that both peoples have a right to self-determination as neighbors.


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Israel and Turkey: Friedman analysis

Published under Europe, Gaza, Global Jun 15, 2010

This article by Tom Friedman is one of the more balanced and insightful articles on the fall out in the Turkey-Israel relation, worth reading.


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KINDNESS in the Subway

Published under Introspection Jun 15, 2010

by Adeena Schlussel on behalf of Daniel Lubetzky

Last week, our CEO struck up a conversation with an unlikely pair in the subway.  As seen in the picture below, a young Mexican cowboy partnered with an older African-American soul singer to form a duet that was both “truly beautiful, in sound and in sight.”  It was the perfect example of KINDNESS amongst former strangers.

IMG_1216 (2)

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People are often unreasonable, illogical, and self-centered; Forgive them anyway.

If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives; Be kind anyway.

If you are successful you will win some false friends and true enemies; Succeed anyway.

If you are honest and frank, people may cheat you; Be honest and frank anyway.

What you spend years building, someone could destroy overnight; Build anyway.

If you find serenity and happiness, they may be jealous; Be happy anyway.

The good you do today, people will often forget tomorrow; Do good anyway.

Give the world the best you have, and it may never be enough; Give the world the best you’ve got anyway.

You see, in the final analysis, it is between you and God; It was never between you and them anyway.

-Mother Teresa

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