Kudos to Cadillac!

Published under Interesting Random Stuff, Marketing Mar 26, 2015

Kudos to Cadillac on their new campaign message quoting Herman Melville: “It is better to fail in originality than to succeed in imitation.”



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quote of the week: on change

Published under Favorite Quotes Mar 25, 2015

“Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself.”
- Leo Tolstoy

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The company’s team members have been taking note of kind acts performed, facilitated or celebrated as part of the movement.

They also track the people involved in their “Kind Causes” program. As part of the program, every month, people submit causes they’re passionate about to the company’s website, while others vote for the cause that resonates with them. The cause with the most votes then gets a $10,000 grant from Kind.

The acts tracked by Kind have included things like delivering coats to homeless people, shoveling strangers’ driveways during snowstorms and creating care packages for soldiers overseas.

Hitting the 1 million mark is a milestone for the company, but Kind Founder Daniel Lubetzky wrote in his book, “Do The Kind Thing,” that the idea started small.

“In the beginning, we would do unexpected kind acts for people, like carrying their groceries or holding umbrellas over them as they walked in the rain,” Lubetzky wrote. “But the light bulb came on when we realized that our community could be challenged to join us in our journey … Soon after, we made them the protagonists and started seeking more creative ways to energize people to do good.”

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What should we do instead of BDS?

Published under Israel, Middle East Mar 23, 2015


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Quote of the week: on laughter

Published under Favorite Quotes Mar 18, 2015

“The most wasted of all days is one without laughter.”

- E.E.Cummings

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Really worth listening to and absorbing.

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Isaac Herzog’s Promise

Published under Israel Mar 17, 2015


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Israel’s Need for change

Published under Israel Mar 17, 2015


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