Going Nuts about Nuts

Published under Health, Science and Technology Dec 20, 2013

It seems as though scientists are discovering new benefits of eating nuts every day — weight maintenance and reduced risk of disease. The excerpts below share some of the latest discoveries.

“Consistent evidence for the health benefits of nuts has been accumulating since the early 1990s. Frequent nut consumption has been linked to a reduced risk of major chronic diseases, including heart and blood vessel disorders and Type 2 diabetes.

The newest and most convincing findings, reported last month in The New England Journal of Medicine, come from the Nurses’ Health Study and the Health Professionals Follow-Up Study, which together have followed nearly 119,000 women and men for decades. Both studies repeatedly recorded what the participants ate (among many other characteristics) and analyzed their diets in relation to the causes of death among the 27,429 people who died since the studies began.

The more often nuts were consumed, the less likely participants were to die of cancer, heart disease and respiratory disease, and not because nut eaters succumbed to other diseases. Their death rate from any cause was lower during the years they were followed. (The nuts in question were pistachios, almonds, Brazil nuts, cashews, hazelnuts, macadamias, pecans, pine nuts, peanuts and walnuts.)”

-Jane Brody, ‘Snacking Your Way to Better Health’, The New York Times



“The reports about their many benefits have come thick and fast: studies finding that people who eat nuts (tree nuts like cashews, almonds and pistachios, along with their legume pal, the peanut) live longer and healthier lives, with less risk of chronic ailments like heart disease, respiratory problems and Type 2 diabetes.

But perhaps the most startling news is that nuts may help in maintaining a healthy weight. Research has found that people can snack on modest amounts of them without gaining pounds, and that nuts can even help in slimming down.”

- Michael Moss, ‘Are Nuts a Weight-Loss Aid?, The New York Times

Spotted by Daniel Lubetzky, by Julianna Storch

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Quote of the Week: On Gratitude

Published under Favorite Quotes Dec 20, 2013

“Gratitude is the most exquisite form of courtesy.”
—Jacques Maritain

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“When life seems hard,
the courageous do not lie down and accept defeat;
instead, they are all the more determined to struggle for a better future.”
—Queen Elizabeth

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Great Ads

Published under Advertising (good vs misleading), Marketing Dec 09, 2013

These commercials for Volvo & Allstate are examples of great, effective ads out there — really well done.

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“If you want to make peace with your enemy,
you have to work with your enemy.
Then he becomes your partner.”
-Nelson Mandela
(July 18, 1918- December 5, 2013)


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Daniel’s alma mater, Stanford Law, reconnected to see what their grad is up to these days. Read the full story of where Stanford led Daniel after the jump.


KIND is also offering Stanford students, alumni, faculty, and staff the opportunity to submit their own “Do The KIND Thing” idea to ideas@kindsnacks.com. Ideas must be received before January 1, 2014.

On January 8, Stanford Lawyer and KIND will choose one project to support with $10,000. The winning project will be featured in a future Stanford Lawyer online article.

Here’s what you need to know to submit:

  • Rules for Do the KIND Thing Project
  • Please submit your idea via email to ideas@kindsnacks.com before 12 a.m. EST on January 1, 2014.
  • For a stronger submission, please include photos or video components.
  • The project must be completed within six months.


by Julianna Storch


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I just learned that Dov Lautman passed away this weekend.  Dov was one of the foremost Israeli business leaders.  More important, Dov was one of the biggest supporters of Arab-Israeli economic cooperation and of resolving the political conflict between Israel and all of its neighbors.  Dov was a true pioneer in this space – I learned a lot from him and am so grateful to him for all he taught me and all the doors he opened for me. I am also grateful for Dov’s encouragement and support at every step of the way.  Dov’s apparel company – Delta Galil – was a global player.  And Dov used much of his market power to foster joint ventures with Egyptian, Jordanian, Turkish and Palestinian companies.  Internally, he also worked hard to promote Arab citizens of Israel and to build a multicultural environment that celebrated differences and respected all equally.

More important than all of Dov’s business gifts and socio-political leadership, Dov was a real mentsch. He was kind to all. He was positive, reflective, resourceful, hard-working, and had no ego and no bad bone.  He was just such a sweet, wonderful human being.  Even as he faced a debilitating illness in his last decade, he carried himself with dignity and provided leadership and inspiration till the last day.

I will deeply miss him.

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The football team at Olivet Middle School teaches us the meaning of kindness and reminds us how wonderful it feels to make someone else’s day.

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“Believe you can and you’re halfway there.”
–Theodore Roosevelt

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Made In Israel

Published under Innovation, Israel, Science and Technology Nov 06, 2013

I’m amazed by Israel’s many breakthrough scientific and medical contributions.

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