Quote of the Week: Kind Words

Published under Favorite Quotes May 31, 2013

“Kind words can be short and easy to speak,
but their echoes are truly endless.”
- Mother Teresa

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I found this WSJ piece useful as Warren Buffett teaches by example that we should all incorporate a sense of doubt into our personal and professional lives, always asking ourselves how we can do better. 


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Amidst all the winds of change in the Middle East, this week I read these 3 pieces that are worth perusing for any student of the region:

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One of my team members shared this – and I curse and thank her for making me cry so much.  It is so important to remember every day how blessed we are and to cherish life – and live it to the fullest, with purpose and kindness.  If the previous line seems cheesy and hollow to you, watch this video and then read it again.

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SELF awarded KIND Dark Chocolate Nuts & Sea Salt with a Healthy Food Award for ‘Best Fitness Bar.’

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“Failure is only postponed success as long as courage coaches ambition. The habit of persistence is the habit of victory. ”

-Herbert Kaufman

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Recommended Video: Dare To Imagine

Published under Global, Leadership May 13, 2013

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Quote of the Week: Start Building

Published under Favorite Quotes May 10, 2013

“If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door”
― Milton Berle

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Daniel stopped by Fox Business News to share the secrets of KIND‘s success, a great team and a commitment to quality and the brand promise.


By Julianna Storch

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Worrisome Data and Trends

Published under Israel, Middle East, Palestine May 10, 2013

Anyone who is unconvinced on why it is imperative to work harder to resolve the Arab-Israeli conflict need only review the data in the most recent global PEW poll, reprinted below.  The longer this conflict is unresolved, the more that Israelis AND Palestinians will be disliked, resented and eventually ostracized by other countries.  The challenges to get to a two state solution are quite serious – only 14% of Palestinians feel that “there is a way for Israel and an independent Palestinian state to coexist peacefully” – but that should only give us all more conviction to invest into educating both sides that without a resolution, both peoples will be condemning each other to an eternal battleground.

Read more after the jump, or check out the full survey here.



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