Snack & Give Back

Published under KIND Snacks Nov 07, 2012

KIND is excited to launch its first ever Snack & Give Back campaign! For the holidays, KIND is offering limited edition KIND cubes, custom designed and personally curated by Arianna Huffington (Huffington Post), Bobbi Brown (Bobbi Brown Cosmetics) and Grace Potter (Grace Potter and the Nocturnals). By purchasing these cubes, people can show their support for The Committee to Protect JournalistsBroome Street Academy and the Alzhiemer’s Association — organizations of personal importance to Arianna, Bobbi and Grace respectively.  As part of the campaign, KIND is making a $10,000 donation to each charity. Happy Holidays!

Spotted by Daniel Lubetzky, by Julianna Storch

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Below is Mitt Romney’s concession speech.

As much as I dislike partisan bickering, I admire when political leaders accept election results with elegance and urge unity. It is not something we should take for granted. It is a sign of a vibrant democracy, one absent in many parts of the world.


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Running to lend a helping hand

Published under Do the KIND Thing Nov 06, 2012

After the NYC Marathon was cancelled, the marathon runners from our KIND Team joined runners around the city in channeling their energies towards helping those in need in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy. They gathered some of their fellow KIND team members to join in runners’ efforts to provide Staten Island and Brooklyn residents and emergency workers with essential supplies, KIND bars, and helping hands. It was a sobering experience to witness the devastation that hit so many individuals in the region, but those who participated were also inspired by the outpouring of kindness and goodwill from the marathon community and beyond.



By Julianna Storch

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As a fierce independent who was undecided for a significant time, here are four core reasons why I am absolutely convinced a vote to re-elect President Obama is imperative:

1. Character: Obama is not perfect, but he has a core set of values that guide him quite consistently; Romney morphs at each opportunity to say what the current audience wants him to hear – he has no discernible core; some excuse his pandering during the primaries as a basic reality of politics; but the way he outright switched positions from one day to another on virtually every issue goes beyond anything I can remember in decades of following elections; if Romney were to be elected, politicians would feel that gives them the license to handle themselves the way Romney did, undermining paramount values like truthfulness and transparency.

2. Climate Change: this video says it all.

3. Choice: Romney has repeatedly stated he will oppose women’s choice as it relates to their own bodies. Abortion is a truly tragic event. But the federal government should not be manipulated to impose a dogma over women’s lives.

4. Conflict: If Romney were to be elected, it is highly unlikely that Olmert or Livni will step in to run in Israeli elections; Netanyahu will almost surely be re-elected and be seen as the man who stood up to Obama and brought him down (which in and of itself is a terrible precedent for the US and Israel); Netanyahu and Abbas are almost certain not to be able to get to peace – quite the opposite, Netanyahu, already co-opted by the settler movement, may annex the West Bank, ending the prospects of Israel and Palestine and the Arab and Muslim world achieving peace; 50 years later, even those who blessed the day Israel annexed the West Bank, will curse Netanyahu and Romney for turning the region into another Lebanon or Balkan region; in contrast, if Obama is re-elected, Olmert can be elected and can achieve a historic resolution of the conflict with Abbas within the first year of their administrations.

On the economy, Obama and Romney each turn me off for different reasons, and I worry about the deficit equally under both scenarios because politicians have shown no bipartisan courage or leadership. On reigning in Wall Street abuses, Obama’s lack of action against Corzine upsets me greatly, but Romney is far more beholden to special interests. On Iran, Romney is unlikely to be able to do any more than Obama has – and he went on record and said he’d follow the same policies. Obama has made plenty of tactical mistakes in foreign policy (some of which turned into strategic blunders), but overall he has managed turbulent times with greater dexterity and international credibility and support than Romney would be able to command.

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Jay Cutler Bears his KINDness

Published under KIND Snacks Nov 05, 2012

Jay Cutler, KINDAHOLIC and leading NFL quarterback for the Chicago Bears, wears his KINDNESS on his sleeve in a recent press conference. Cutler suffers from Type 1 Diabetes, so he enjoys KIND bars as an essential snack in his low-sugar diet.


Spotted by Daniel Lubetzky, by Julianna Storch

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For any members of the KIND community who are looking for ways to assist in hurricane relief, we invite you to join us and all the KIND team members who will be running tomorrow with New York Runners in Support of Staten Island. To learn how you can help, please check out their Facebook page by clicking on the image below.

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Mario Lopez, host of EXTRA, is giving fans a chance to win KIND Bar Gift Bags. KIND Healthy Snacks, Lopez points out, are delicious all natural snacks preferred by Gwenyth Paltrow and Cameron Diaz that inspire acts of KINDNESS all over the world.

Spotted by Daniel Lubetzky, by Julianna Storch

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“The best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer somebody else up.”
-Mark Twain

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Dear KIND Community,

As you know, each month, we ask you to join us in carrying out a signature act of kindness (or what we call a KINDING Mission) with the promise that if enough people Do the KIND Thing, the KIND team will carry out a BIG KIND Act for people that need it most.

Last month, the KIND Community rose to our challenge to give thanks to someone that impacted your life, which triggered our pledge to partner with Philabundance to provide Thanksgiving meals to families facing hunger starting on November 12th.

Now more kindness is urgently needed.

KIND is headquartered in NYC, so our team has witnessed millions of lives being shaken by Hurricane Sandy. We were deeply inspired by the courage from firemen, police officers, paramedics, doctors, National Guard officers, reporters, public sector personnel, utility workers, and others who worked so hard and risked their lives to help others.                     

Join us in honoring and KINDING them.

To us, this was a situation in need of an immediate BIG KIND Act.  We felt that reaching out starting on Tuesday evening would bring the most joy and appreciation to those who were giving aid – and those in need of aid.                     

I am most inspired by my team members – many of whom had no power, or whose homes flooded or had to be evacuated – who took the initiative to distribute so far over 10,000 KIND bars and KIND Healthy Grains at emergency shelters, fire stations, hospitals, utility offices and police departments across the East Coast.

Now, we ask you to join us in either of these ways to show your support for these first responders who’ve demonstrated selflessness and kindness:

  • Our team will continue to personally share tens of thousands of bars along with ‘thank you’ cards to emergency personnel across the region throughout the next week – and we’d like to have your words printed on the cards. Simply email a note of thanks or an inspiring quote to and we will deliver it on your behalf to our local heroes.
  • We also invite you to visit and post any stories and images of how you are joining in the Hurricane Sandy relief efforts – knowing every act of kindness counts.

We hope you and your families are safe.  Thank you for being part of the KIND Movement.


Daniel Lubetzky




Founder & CEO, KIND

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Quote of the Week: Good Progress

Published under Favorite Quotes Oct 26, 2012

“Little progress can be made by merely attempting to repress what is
evil; our great hope lies in developing what is good.”
– Calvin Coolidge

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