“It is understanding that gives us an ability to have peace. When we understand the other fellow’s viewpoint, and he understands ours, then we can sit down and work out our differences.”
-Harry S. Truman

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This great news clip features KIND team member, Alex Schirer, spreading KINDness in Seattle with our July KINDING mission to provide career counseling for women seeking employment.

Spotted by Daniel Lubetzky, by Julianna Storch

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This New York Times piece by Mark Bittman argues that “not all calories are made equal.” In order to maintain a healthy diet, we need to embrace lower glycemic diets of unprocessed foods, or as we say at KIND, foods made from natural ingredients you can see & pronounce.

David Ludwig, Director of the New Balance Foundation Obesity Prevention Center, concludes, “It’s time to reacquaint ourselves with minimally processed carbs. If you take three servings of refined carbohydrates and substitute one of fruit, one of beans and one of nuts, you could eliminate 50 percent of diet-related disease in the United States. These relatively modest changes can provide great benefit.”

By Julianna Storch

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The poll mentioned in this article indicates that we have a lot of work to do in order to help Israelis and Palestinians visualize that ending the conflict is possible IF they take matters into their own hands to make it happen. So long as people don’t believe that peace can come about, they will not invest themselves in helping bring it about, and it will be a self-fulfilling negative prophecy.


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The attached ad appeared across different newspapers this past weekend. I am immensely inspired by Howard’s leadership on this front. Partisanship is the source of stagnation in DC and across the Statehouses, at a time when we desperately and urgently need leadership to address all the policy challenges we face, including the financial and trade deficits, the education system, our foreign policy, and the overall challenge of special interests and extremist agendas overtaking the greater interests of society. If we as citizens cede the stage, these challenges will not be resolved.

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Quote of the Week: Starting Small

Published under Favorite Quotes Jun 29, 2012

”The man who removes a mountain begins by carrying away small stones.”
-Chinese Proverb

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“If you don’t know where you are going,
you’ll end up someplace else.”
-Yogi Berra

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French multinational communications company, Publicis Groupe, is set to purchase an equity stake in Ramallah-based advertising agency Zoom. Publicis Groupe Chairman and CEO Maurice Lévy said of the deal, “Moreover, it is also a call to French and international companies to set up in the region and to contribute to creating the economic development without which there can be no durable peace.”

Spotted by Daniel Lubetzky, by Julianna Storch

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Maiyet Resort 2013 in WWD

Published under Maiyet Jun 15, 2012

Women’s Wear Daily’s glowing review of Maiyet’s 2013 Resort Collection proves that luxury brands can thrive in the fashion world while simultaneously contributing to social good in the world.

Spotted by Daniel Lubetzky, by Julianna Storch

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“We find comfort among those who agree with us-
Growth among those who don’t.”
-Frank A. Clark

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