If you’re ambitious, have an awesome work ethic and are eager to learn what makes KIND Healthy Snacks tick, then you’ll want to check out the Executive Assistant opportunity at KIND.  This job is an amazing chance to work side by side with Daniel, to learn about social entrepreneurship, to be part of a vibrant team, and to get some good laughs along the way.

Having an insatiable appetite for KIND products is preferred, but not a must.

All interested applicants should send a cover letter and resume to adeena@kindsnacks.com.

By Adeena Schlussel


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MF Global Machinations

Published under Economics, United States Mar 29, 2012

This is one of the most cogent pieces written about the behind the scenes machinations that took place at MF Global – and the motivations behind them.



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The TODAY Show can’t seem to get enough of KIND! Watch this great clip- our third appearance on TODAY!- in which nutritionist Joy Bauer explains what makes KIND bars the perfect healthy snack:


Spotted by Daniel Lubetzky, by Adeena Schlussel

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KINDIN’ and Rhymin’

Published under KIND Snacks Mar 28, 2012

This week we received some love from poetic KINDAHOLICS:

Dear Daniel,
I ate this bar
And went out of my mind!!
It was not your average sort
But one of a KIND !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (YEA!!!!!)
I ran to my computer!!!!!!
Time couldn’t be wasted!!!!!!!
THE BEST THING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lisa and I
HAD EVER TASTED !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks for HEALTHY!!!!!!!!
DELICIOUS!!!!!!!   and       PURE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Whenever we snack,
It’s KIND FOR SURE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You can keep your shrimp scampi
And your filet mignon!!
Lisa and I will remain in heaven
Till the last KIND BAR IS GONE !!!!!!!!!!!!! (WHICH WE HOPE IS NEVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
     Ted and Lisa

And I bet they weren’t expecting this response from Daniel!

Dear Ted and Lisa,
Your poem filled our team with joy
And made me break a big smile.
What else can an entrepreneur ask for
Than a loyal consumer with style.
You are clearly KINDAHOLICS who recognize quality
So we’ll send you two t-shirts with pleasure
Just please indicate to our friend Tony
What size to send, share your measure.


Spotted by Daniel Lubetzky, by Adeena Schlussel

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Paul McCartney has been a strong and steady voice in support of OneVoice and its efforts to achieve peace in the Middle East.  In 2009 Sir Paul wrote a letter to President Obama to notify him of OneVoice’s work, and Sir Paul currently lists OneVoice at the top of his list of supported charities.  We’re honored to be joined by Sir Paul in our efforts and are inspired by the way he uses his talents to bring people together.

Spotted by Daniel Lubetzky, by Adeena Schlussel

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The Healthiest Foods on Earth

Published under Health, KIND Snacks Mar 23, 2012

This Forbes article praises the philosophy that’s baked into each and every of KIND’s products.   Studies show that eating foods that are close to nature, or as we like to say “made from ingredients you can see and pronounce,” are central to a healthy diet, and fruit and nuts are top scorers in this pursuit!

Spotted by Daniel Lubetzky, by Adeena Schlussel


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At an evening reception at Howard Schultz’s home on the occasion of Starbucks’ inspiring Annual Shareholders Meeting, I asked Arthur Rubinfeld on what advice he could give me to instill the right work ethic and values on my children. I was struck by a quote he hung as a poster in his kids’ rooms:

The harder you work
The luckier you get

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Former UK Foreign Secretary David Miliband attended a OneVoice gala dinner in London earlier this week and made it clear that he feels it’s crucial to establish a Palestinian state alongside a secure state of Israel- anything less would be a great “diplomatic failure.”  The former Foreign Secretary went on to state that “It’s the greatest diplomatic failure because actually it is one of those international problems to which there is a viable solution.”  To read the full transcript, see below, or watch this video:


Spotted by Daniel Lubetzky, by Adeena Schlussel


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This video contains a sweet message about peace that is very similar to OneVoice’s Imagine 2018 campaign.

Spotted by Daniel Lubetzky, by Adeena Schlussel

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More on the dangers of red meat

Published under Health Mar 19, 2012

More evidence that red meat consumption has negative health effects has come to light.  Red meat contains harmful compounds and causes plaque buildup in arteries, increasing risks of hear disease as well as kidney cancer.  Evidence proves that its increasingly important to be discerning about the foods that we consume on a daily basis.

Spotted by Daniel Lubetzky, by Adeena Schlussel


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