This Business Week article highlights the importance of surrounding yourself with a great team.  When someone is not striving for excellence and exhibits certain detrimental traits, it is important to revisit if you want them to continue partnering with them:



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Harriet Green, OneVoice board member and an old friend, was just ranked in the top 50 women in world business in 2011.  She is the highest ranking business woman of the UK and that is not for lack of good company!

To see more about this honor, see here!



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Cultural Differences

Published under Funnies Nov 14, 2011

This image was sent by Daniel’s friend with the caption: Cultural Differences:


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I am a big fan of Starbucks’s Create Jobs for USA campaign and it is incredibly admirable to see business leaders take a stand for the state of our country.   For every purchase of the $5 Indivisible wristband, Starbucks will donate $35 to Opportunity Finance Network, an organization that doles out grants to Community Development Financial Institutions.  These organizations in turn forward money to small businesses, microenterprises, nonprofits and other community focused institutions, in hopes of- you guessed it- creating jobs.

We have never been more proud to be one of Starbucks and Howard Schultz’s partners.




Spotted by Daniel Lubetzky, by Adeena Schlussel

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Quote of the Week

Published under Favorite Quotes Nov 10, 2011

This great NYT article is the source of this weeks’ quote:

Resilience, not luck, is the signature of greatness.


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“Can Anyone Really Create Jobs,” this New York Times article asks.  Adam Davidson’s answer is no, and that presidential candidates especially don’t possess this magical power.

This fact doesn’t cork the flow of candidate jobs plans, and more importantly there are other problems that our country will face at the end of the job crisis; it would be good to hear candidates address these issues as well.

Spotted by Daniel Lubetzky, by Adeena Schlussel


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Check out this very endearing video of Daniel’s cousin, Emmanuel Lubezki, accepting an award at the Hollywood Film Awards:

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This Thomas Friedman article delineates the ways in which CITIGROUP has functioned immorally.  Of greater concern, this example is representative of a larger problem of expanding of injustice and corruption in the inseparable financial and political arenas.

Spotted by Daniel Lubetzky, by Adeena Schlussel


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This Huffington Post article by Joel Braunold of OneVoice is excellent and worth reading.  Joel articulates the deeper meaning behind UNESCO Membership for Palestinians: “the establishment of World Heritage sites.”  According to Joel, this is crucial in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict which at its core is about connection to the land, and control over it.


Spotted by Daniel Lubetzky, by Adeena Schlussel  


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The Fountain of Youth

Published under Introspection Nov 03, 2011

A number of friends believe we will be able to eventually stop aging and live many decades beyond our assumptions. As radical (and in my opinion, scary) as this vision is, this recent study is a major potential breakthrough in that direction. Maybe Kurzweil’s predictions will turn out to be correct!



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