Published under ‘world’

It feels so frustrating to see so much abuse from insiders getting bailed out by taxpayers. It is true that the US government is providing terms to AIG that require high interest payments and a stake in the company.  But that is besides the point.  The main problem is that the damage has already been [...]

I’ve commented on how struck I was at the partisan bias against President-elect Obama by Fox News, and in particular by Sean Hannity. But extreme bias is not exclusive to the right-wing. Rachel Maddow is to Sarah Palin what Sean Hannity is to Barack Obama. I also had big problems with Palin’s divisive meanness and [...]

Several friends called or emailed to let me know Danny DeVito was hilarious at the Israel Film Festival, where he also encouraged the audience to get involved with OneVoice.  This article will give you an idea… “Look around. A lot of you are bald,” said the actor, who was introduced by Michael Douglas — DeVito’s [...]

President-elect Barack Obama did not just make history by being the first African-American elected to the Presidency of the United States.  He also is the first President who really utilized grassroots activism and internet tools to build a direct connection with millions of followers who identify with a vision for building the nation. In this [...]

I admired John McCain for years, during the Republican primary, and during his acceptance speech at the RNC.  Yet somehow during most of the general election, the John McCain many independents admired went AWOL.  In his concession speech, he came back. McCain’s concession speech to President-elect Barack Obama was an elegant and noble exposition of [...]

At the onset of the Iraqi war of 2003, Saddam Hussein’s media clamored about the Baathist Army’s impending victory. Its conviction was so strong, you had to wonder if they possessed information the West was not privy to. Then, within hours of the invasion, the house of cards imploded. It was clear that Iraq’s State-run [...]

As reported earlier in The Real Axis, a major threat that is not sufficiently explored or countered is the alliance between drug gangs, terrorists, and the authoritarian regime of Hugo Chavez.  Now Colombia has uncovered a Hezbollah-linked drug ring that was trafficking drugs and laundering cash. Hezbollah-led drug stashes seized in Colombia REUTERS, Colombia smashes [...]

A silver lining to the recession may be that oil prices are going down, though still at far higher levels than they were just a couple years ago.  The bravado of Ahmadinejad, Chavez, and Putin may be at least slightly tamed.  Authorized Authoritarianism has gone hand in hand with oil wealth in Iran, Venezuela and [...]

Some powerful precepts from a conversation I had with Chief Rabbi David Rosen, President of the ICJRC and the pre-eminent leader in relations between different faiths: There is a lot that divides us [of different faiths], but more which unites us [as human beings with a shared destiny]. If we affirm an omnipresent deity that [...]