Archive for October, 2007

OneVoice Palestine is facing some complaints from extremist radical groups that question OneVoice’s commitment to Palestinian rights.  We of course are totally in sync with the will of the overwhelming majority of Israelis and Palestinians that are fed up with these very extremists, but for the record, I shared the following with them:

“Statement from Daniel Lubetzky, Founder of the PeaceWorks Foundation which supports the OneVoice Movement internationally, to OneVoice Palestine and the People of Palestine, on the occasion of the October 18th Peoples’ Summit”

OneVoice is a grassroots non-partisan popular movement; it is not a political party and does not have a political platform; it is a platform to amplify the voice of ordinary Palestinian and Israeli people who do not want their lives to be hijacked any longer by forces of militant absolutism on either side. 

The OneVoice Movement recognizes that the overwhelming majority of Palestinians and Israelis support a two-state-solution as the only way to end the conflict.

Ending the conflict through a two-state-solution is the ONLY real way to end the occupation that besieges the daily lives of the Palestinian people, just like it is the only way to achieve the security that Israelis crave.   A two-state-solution is the only way to bring freedom, dignity, respect, peace and security and a better future to the people of the region.

OneVoice empowers citizens to take action to propel and support their elected leaders to be accountable to the will of the people, to immediately return to the negotiating table and to not get up until the conclusion of a two state agreement.

Both the Israeli and Palestinian Heads of State (Prime Minister Olmert and President Abbas) were elected by their people on platforms to bring an end to the occupation and terror and to achieve a two-state-solution that will, once and for all, establish a vibrant Palestinian State in peace with all of its neighbors including Israel.  The OneVoice Movement, and I personally, are unwaveringly committed to attain this goal above all.

People that oppose a two-state-solution and are threatened by the fact that OneVoice is now giving a voice to the overwhelming majority of moderates on both sides may try unsuccessfully to undermine this movement.  But they cannot stop millions on both sides that are fed up with a tiny minority keeping all hostage because of their false bravado and empty rhetoric that ignores the only solution is a negotiated solution among both peoples.

What are the contours of a two state solution?  The answers are clearly outlined in the Clinton parameters, , same which Chairman Arafat endorsed in the Taba negotiations as he affirmed the path of the “peace of the braves.” 

The answers  are further enshrined in the OneVoice Pillars for Conflict Resolution,, CRAFTED WITH THE PARTICIPATION OF HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF PALESTINIAN AND ISRAELI PEOPLE, which confirm, among other things, that a two state solution can only be achieved by “two viable states, Israel the state of the Jewish people and Palestine the state of the Palestinian people, each recognizing the other as such, both democratic and respecting human rights, including minority rights,” that “1967 borders are the basis for an agreement, while border modifications will be used to accommodate the territorial and security needs of both sides,” that “Israel shall completely end the occupation, within the context of a comprehensive peace agreement and a cessation of all terror and violence on both sides, at which time all political prisoners will also be released,” that “Arab East Jerusalem will be under Palestinian sovereignty while Jewish areas will be under Israeli sovereignty, and each State shall have the right to establish its capital within its sovereign territory, recognized by the other and internationally” and that the refugee problem must be resolved in a humane, fair, just and practical manner in the final Status Agreement.” 

The above pillars represent the WILL OF CITIZENS OF THE GROUND and as such have unassailable moral authority.  They are not perfect and require further work, which elected leaders now need to immediately take on to fulfill the wish of the Palestinian AND Israeli people.

The OneVoice platform is consistent with (and advances) the Arab Peace Initiative, same which extremists on both sides oppose.

The OneVoice Movement recognizes that prosperity and security for both peoples will not be achieved without ending the Palestinian-Israeli conflict and reaching a just and agreed upon solution to all issues, including the plight of the refugees, an end to the occupation, an end to terror attacks, and an achievement of freedom and security for all peoples.

The time has come for citizens that support these principles to stand up and be counted, to not be intimidated or suppressed by False Messiahs with absolutist visions who have brought nothing but misery and violence to people on both sides.

Daniel Lubetzky

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AP – Jericho Postponed

Published under Uncategorized Oct 06, 2007


The OneVoice Movement regrets that the Jericho Summit that was to be hosted by OneVoice Palestine on October 18th as part of its campaign is postponed due to security considerations.

This is a serious setback to the 600,000 Palestinian and Israeli signatories to the OneVoice Mandate, and to the millions of moderates in the region and worldwide who recognize the imperative of ending the conflict through a two-state solution.

The global responsibility of amplifying voices of moderates to help them seize back the agenda for conflict resolution is only further highlighted by this development.

The OneVoice Summit in Tel Aviv and echo events worldwide will continue as planned, as will the overall campaign, One Million Voices To End The Conflict, across Israel and Palestine.

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With all the pressures we are facing logistically to pull off this unprecedented massive dual parallel mobilization of mainstream nationalists on either side, Gil Shamy from OneVoice Israel just sent me this video link, which I shared with our staff across Palestine, Israel, Europe and the US, and somehow everyone was a few levels higher in spirits… …maybe we can achieve that for the region?

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The tensions each of us is feeling at OneVoice as we have so much on our plates to accomplish are palpable.  This weekend I go back to the Middle East, to support OneVoice Palestine and OneVoice Israel on their efforts.  Earlier today we held our last team meeting with the NY staff.  Prior to starting, I asked each team member to share their greatest source of frustration and their greatest source of excitement.  The answers were interesting:

Greatest Frustration: when people don’t get it, don’t realize what is at stake, don’t realize the potential to forge change.
Greatest Hope: when really smart people who have been around for quite a while look at this and say, wow, this thing can really transform the region.

Greatest Frustration: Getting Sick right in the middle of this whole thing and not being able to distinguish anymore between frustrations from being ill vs. frustrations from all the burdens of this big campaign; [about half the office is under the weather, staying up late at night and working long hours]
Greatest Excitement: Her Majesty Queen Noor Joining as Honorary Co-Chair today.

Greatest Frustration: Being Sick Also!
Greatest Excitement: Yahoo Signing Up to Web-stream the OneVoice Summit Live

Greatest Frustration: when so many people are out because of the Jewish or Muslim Holidays and we need them now, to complete the SMS platform and other tasks;
Greatest Excitement: That amidst all the stress, the office environment is constructive and supportive, with everyone united, respectful, and positive

Greatest Frustration: Not enough time in the day, the email box is out of control; and on top of executing Oct 18, we need to raise funds and organize fundraising efforts in the midst of the campaign.
Greatest Excitement: A number of hawkish right-wing hold-outs are coming on board and embracing the OneVoice message and methodology; even her Dad is getting involved and is proud (though from what I have seen, he is ALWAYS proud of Adee)

Greatest Disappointment; A friend canceled an after-party in Jericho [because of misinformation, being co-opted by negative voices that threaten the action of moderates, and are threatened thereby]
Greatest Excitement: A training session for student activists in DC included an impressive array of activists totally passionate and committed to the cause.

Greatest Frustration: Microsoft Outlook2003, and all that it involves: out of control email, hard to keep up,
Greatest Hope: realizing this IS going to HAPPEN.  Friends from both sides coming to listen.

Greatest Frustration: realizing that pulling off the event in Capitol Hill/Washington DC will be harder than imagined and that key elements are daunting.
Greatest Excitement: a great army of students, a great program, and scores of people coming from across country to the DC event.

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As we deal with so many logistical challenges and so many fast-coming opportunities and hurdles, it is so energizing when we get more great news and support from inspiring leaders!

Darya Shaikh, our US Executive Director, just gave us the great news that Her Majesty Queen Noor, a long time friend of the OneVoice Movement and an inspiring leader who is fulfilling the late King Hussein’s legacy of leadership and kindness, has joined as an Honorary Co-Chair of the OneVoice Summit on October 18th.

Her Majesty Queen Noor is in good company with other foremost dignitaries and Heads of State driven by a very different set of primary goals – some committed to end the occupation, some committed to bring security – but all joining as OneVoice to End the Conflict.

Our Honorary Co-Chairs for the OneVoice Summit include:

               Queen Noor

               Stu Eizenstat

               President Mary Robinson

               Klaus Schwab

               Saeb Erakat

               Dennis Ross

We also have a long-standing impressive Honorary Board of Advisors similarly across an unprecedented spectrum of religious beliefs and politics joining the call to empower moderate voices, including Muhammad Ali, Chief Rabbi Jonathan Sacks, Chief Palestinian Islamic Justice Sheikh Tamimi, Ambassador Martin Indyk, and other great leaders we are grateful to.

And a great Trustee Advisory Council of global business leaders guiding and helping us.

And an awesome Entertainment Council helping us put a spotlight on the voices of moderation.

Let’s do this!

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Per my prior blog post, I could have placed my bet on who is behind the "boycott" of the OneVoice Summit

…No one other than the "International Solidarity Movement."

This is a fringe movement of extremists that do not support the two-state-solution, of any kind.  It is not an issue of 67 borders, or Jerusalem, or refugee rights.  Don’t let them hide behind any of that – because all of those issues have answers the vast majority of Israelis and Palestinians support, embodied in the Clinton Parameters – and also in the Taba talks that Arafat himself fully endorsed.

If any one doubts that the ISM and all those opposing the OneVoice Summit are just ultimately the very extremists we seek to expose, just confront them and ask them.  You will get evasive politicized answers that only will confirm these people are the "false messiahs" that promise absolute solutions to the Palestinians, only to manipulate them and deliver nothing to them.

The "International Solidarity Movement" has been exposed and defeated at numerous college campus events.  Before, they could hide under the mantle of Palestinian nationalism, out of the comfort of their homes in Virginia.

But when OneVoice Youth Leaders from Palestine, from Gaza to Jenin, who are living with the consequences tell the public that they want a two-state-solution, they help unmask intransigent groups that rather eternal warfare than a historic compromise.

The problem does not exist among Palestinian extremist circles alone, who covet "all of Palestine" and will not accept the existence of a Jewish State by their side.  There are parallel Jewish groups that want a "Greater Israel" and will not recognize a Palestinian State by their side.

They too get unmasked by mainstream Israelis that are just fed up with absolutists messing their lives for far too long.

They will try to hide behind diatribe and formulations, but the bottomline question you must ask them to expose them is, do you recognize the right of both the Israeli and Palestinian people to live in freedom, dignity, and with security – for two states to co-exist side by side?

Anyone that does not accept this formulation is either uninformed or hiding their absolutism.

One-State-Solution may be beautifully-intentioned but both the Israelis and the Palestinians want a separate State of their own.  Eventually after peace comes you could hope for a confederacy agreement between proud independent states, but the fact is that the ONLY solution out there is the Two-State-Solution embodied in the Clinton Parameters – which the OneVoice Citizen Negotiations highlighted enjoy consensus among both sides.

There are just no other answers out there and it is time that we come to terms with that and not allow violent extremists to derail the hopes and dreams of millions for an end to the conflict.

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OneVoice Palestine has recently been attacked by a new campaign by disgruntled people (apparently funded out of Lebanon) who believe the OneVoice Summit should be boycotted.

Some of our staff and friends got emails urging them to boycott the efforts of OneVoice Palestine – they all came from someone in Lebanon who claimed that our mobilization of moderate voices to call for an end to the conflict across both sides is an effort at normalization rather than at ending the occupation.

A couple weeks ago, on the other side, we also heard boycott calls from an extremist Jewish American group that plans to protest our Washington DC event and claimed OneVoice Israel was a tool of appeasement betraying Jewish values. 

This is not the first and will not be the last time that violent extremists and radical absolutists from either side will try to undermine the OneVoice Movement.

Indeed, the more we grow and threaten these extremist visions, the more they will try to undermine our call to empower mainstream nationalists on both sides to break the shackles that violent extremists have placed on our world for too long.

But OneVoice is built and engineered not just to withstand that, but to use those attacks to expose radical extremists, absolutists and fatalists who claim they are "for peace" but who realistically prefer eternal warfare to compromise.  Let’s call the bluff on anyone who says they are "for peace" but don’t want to accept the other side has a right.  Let them be honest and at least say, "we are not for peace, we want it all, or war."

There are only two options: a) Two States for Two People, or b) Continued Conflict.

People need to make a choice. 

Are they going to stand up and be counted and help us build the critical mass to unleash the power of moderation – or are they going to be silenced by violent extremism?

As OneVoice continues growing, it will be the subject of more criticism from those very violent extremists we seek to neutralize and isolate.  They will isolate themselves by opposing a popular movement that aims to build dignity, respect, humanity, and a two state solution for both peoples. 

In the process, they will also highlight the OneVoice message.

Any Palestinian that wants to end the occupation and achieve independence, and any Israeli that wants to end terror and achieve security, must ultimately understand the only way to do so is through an agreement among both peoples to end the conflict.

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In a place where there is no humanity, strive thou to be human.

- Hillel

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The OneVoice Summit is starting to gain traction…

Much of the coverage below is not as precise as we would like it at OV – b/c we want to emphasize this is a MASSIVE MOBILIZATION OF MODERATES TO END THE CONFLICT, not a "concert" or a "festival" but a Summit of the Peoples dedicated to break the shackles of extremism and mobilize to once and for all demand an end to the conflict, but it is starting to come together…

Rocker Bryan Adams to appear in Israel for peace initiative

Israel 21c – 9.30.07

Sep. 30 – Canadian rock star Bryan Adams will headline a gala outdoor free concert on October 18th at Hayarkon Park in Tel Aviv as part of an event organized by the grassroots organization OneVoice. Through parallel summits in Tel Aviv and Jericho, (where Adams will also perform), OneVoice will be calling for the citizens of Israel and the Palestinian Authority to make their voices heard and call on their governments to immediately initiate uninterrupted negotiations toward a two-state solution. Also slated to appear at the concert are top Israeli performers Mashina, Fortis, Hadag Nahash and Ehud Banai. Adams spent part of his childhood in Israel when his father was on a diplomatic posting.

Bryan Adams heads here for peace

By Mariam A. Shaviv

The Jerusalem Post 10.1.07

Eighties pop star Bryan Adams is optimistic that with the power of song, Israel and the Palestinian Authority can come together to end the decades-long conflict between them.

Joining him in Tel Aviv at the ONE VOICE concert on October 18 will be an array of Israeli stars including Ehud Banai, Boaz Sharabi, Hadag Nahash, Knessiat Hasechel, Mashina, Mosh Ben Ari, Ninette Tayeb, Fortis and Keren Peles among others. In addition to the Park HaYarkon event, shows on stages in Jericho, London, Washington D.C. and Ottawa will take place simultaneously under the banner "One Million Voices to End the Conflict."

Bryan Adams to perform in Tel Aviv, Jericho

Canadian singer to take part in One Voice festival calling for an end to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict

By Or Barnea

Ynet News 9.30.07

Canadian singer Bryan Adams will perform in Israel and the Palestinian Authority as part of the One Voice festival, which will hold simultaneous peace events on October 18 in Tel Aviv, Jericho, London, Washington, Boston and other cities in the United States and Europe. According to the festival’s official website, Adams will perform both in Tel Aviv and in Jericho alongside Arab artists, including the DAM rap and hip hop group.

And more:


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Boaz Sharabi

Considered the greatest Israeli soul singer, Sharabi began his career as a drummer and a percussionist and later became a successful singer. Since his return from the USA in the 90′s, he has been prominent as one of Israel’s most diverse and successful stars, uniquely combining Pop, Rock and ethnic Eastern-Arab music.


Ninet Tayeb

The successful singer and actress started her career as the first winner of the Israeli version of American Idol in August 2003. Since then, the young soldier from Kiriyat Gat has managed to conquer the hearts of hundreds of thousands of Israelis, and recently even came out with a new album that won her the title of 2007′s best female singer.


Mosh Ben Ari

A former part of the successful "Sheva" band, Ben Ari combines soft rock with a pinch of eastern Arab ethnicity and has published three very successful albums since June 2001. His last and best selling album included a special tribute to the legendary Led Zeppelin band, and he recently preformed with the dance singer Sean Paul in his last visit to Israel.


Knessiyat Hasehel

Coming from the southern city of Sderot, this unique band erupted into the public realm after the unprecedented success of their self-titled 3rd album after years of hard work in a small southern Tel Aviv apartment. Knessiyat Hasehel has created a special blend of rock, new wave and Eastern-Arab origins.


Ehud Banai

Banai, who writes and composes all of his songs, combines his Jewish roots with social and political protest which comes forth in an original mélange of eastern sound with western guitars, 60’s harmony and the British new wave. Banai’s uniqueness positioned him as one of Israel’s most diverse and prominent artists which awarded him the best singer, best writer and best album award for his last album in 2005.



Considered Israel’s most important, successful and influential band, Mashina recently won the “All Times Band” title, and sold over 400,000 copies of their albums.


Keren Peles

Peles, a young successful singer that broke through in 2005, started as a song writer and has since pursued a successful singing career that awarded her a golden album, the 2006 discovery of the year award, the culture minister award, and the best song of the year award for 2 consecutive years.


Ha Dag Nachash

One of Israel’s most successful and best known bands, famous for their sharp and critical language, Ha Dag Nachash makes “Zionist hip hop” without taking prisoners or skipping social and political wrongdoings. It was this bold irreverence that granted them the privilege of being the first band in the world to be invited to perform in Hebrew in an official NBA match.


Miriam Tukan

Miriam Tukan, AKA the Israeli Fayrouz, broke through in the last Kohav Nolad show (the Israeli version of American Idol) with her special voice and touching renditions of known Hebrew songs. Tukan, a Christian Arab from the village of Eiblin in the north of the country, gave unique performances portraying the desired coexistence with her amazing mix between Hebrew songs and Arab trills.


Rami Fortis

Considered one of Israel’s most influential musical pioneers, Fortis greatly affected the Israeli rock scene style which gave him the nickname “the Crazy”. He is known for his musical cooperation with Mashina’s Shlomi Bracha, Berry Sakharof and many others that brought Israeli rock to its glory days.

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