Published under ‘onevoice & middle east’

Bob Tedeschi of the New York Times today wrote in his e-commerce column about the difficult balancing act that manufacturers like PeaceWorks have to make in the online world, when selling to consumers without undermining their retail sales channel.    The basic rule and the basic opportunity in this space are as follows: * [...]

I set out to help Doc and David find Mohammed and Ahmed, who Doc and David want to help get free surfing equipment and “just surf” as a way to establish a “Surfing for Peace” initiative.  I called Dr. Fathi Darwish, our older statesman General Director of OneVoice Palestine, based out of Ramallah.  “Doctor,” I [...]

Surfing in Gaza

Published under Funnies, Middle East, OneVoice Movement Aug 12, 2007

Earlier today I had one of the most fun, bizarre and fascinating meetings in a while – and I’ve been having a lot of these lately! SAKAL, one of the largest retailers in Israel, heard about our OneVoice Summit: One Million Voices to End the Conflict to happen on October 18th, and the CEO got [...]

Hamas is at it again, spending small but strategically significant funds on social services designed to engender appreciation from the poor populations where it seeks to establish trust and loyalty.  Most recently it sponsored a mass wedding for 60 Palestinian couples in a refugee camp in Syria.  The total cost was relatively modest, including $1,500 [...]

This is a far more apt name than ‘Islamic’ or ‘Muslim’ or ‘Islamist’ or ’Islamic Fundamentalist’ Terrorists.  All these other terms give a mantle of legitimacy to those that do not deserve it and that have been rejected by mainstream Muslim authorities (even if many of us don’t know about it b/c these condemnations are not frequently [...]

Resorting to violence to attain an absolutist vision which denies the humanity of the other. See also Militant Absolutism. We use this term at OneVoice to define in neutral non-partisan terms that which the overwhelming majority of people (mainstream moderates) need to counter to seize back the agenda for peace. .

Doing something out of ‘self-interest’ but defining self-interest in a broad enough and sufficiently long-term &/or sufficiently consequential way that bears in mind societal impact. Example: working to end the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is not ‘altruistic’ at all. It is based on the imperative to prevent a tragic world for our offspring. It is based on [...]

Rabin’s Legacy

Published under Middle East, OneVoice Movement Aug 09, 2007

A friend today wondered aloud if Rabin even left a legacy. I agreed it remains to be seen – & pointed out it is up to us, the people, to ensure one. Sent from my iPhone – pardon typos .

It struck my mind as I heard a Muslim chant, Alahuh Akbhar, (God is Great) that it is truly beautiful artistically, yet I am pretty certain it evokes the worst images among much of the Western world, because of the association with terrorists that many have.  It struck me how much harm terrorism has caused [...]

In self-organizing systems, extremists rise up. In the offline world, wackos can’t thrive like they do in the blog world……. colorful scary birds get a disproportionate amount of media and end-user attention.