By Adeena Schlussel on behalf of Daniel Lubetzky

This is a scary article about threats to a pro-human rights activist from Venezuela…


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by Adeena Schlussel and Kim Walker

Check out Daniel on FOX! We’re so proud that our CEO got to represent KIND as a small business to keep an eye on….twice!  Watch these clips to see what makes KIND the best in its category.


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By Adeena Schlussel on behalf of Daniel Lubetzky

Check out these disturbing old advertisements to realize just how far we’ve come.  It’s ridiculous that society used to be this way!

clip_image001        clip_image001[4]clip_image001[12]         clip_image001[6]clip_image001[8]             clip_image001[10]

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by Kim Walker on behalf of Daniel Lubetzky

OneVoice teamed up with students at Tirtza Grannot [the Academy of Commercial Communications] in Tel Aviv to create moving visuals that address many of the key issues in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The best 40 were then exhibited and a winner was chosen. The winning poster is below, and the tagline says, "People Are Dying. To End The Conflict."



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This video, created by SS+K, is not only creative but very effective because it builds on Honest Tea’s value proposition so clearly.

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"He who controls others may be powerful, 
but he who has  mastered himself is mightier still." 

–Lao Tzu (forwarded by Len & Libby Traubman)

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Chinese Magic – literally

Published under Art, China, Funnies May 09, 2010

Very impressive! Watch till the end! Does anyone know how the last part is done?

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"When the power of love overcomes the love of power ,
the world will know peace."

- Jimi Hendrix (thanks to Len and Libby Taubman for forwarding)

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by Kim Walker on behalf of Daniel Lubetzky

For further evidence that some bankers just abuse the system, here is a disturbing story about how the Tetragon Financial Group is paying its partners tens of millions even as its fund suffers hundreds of millions.

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by Kim Walker on behalf of Daniel Lubetzky

Nick Kristof examines the dangers of chemicals that we encounter in our daily lives, and it’s scary. The last paragraph of his article offers valuable advice for parents aiming to secure their home from such dangers.


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