Quote of the Week: Win or Lose

Published under Favorite Quotes Mar 22, 2013

“Yesterday is not ours to recover,
but tomorrow is ours to win or lose.”
― Lyndon B. Johnson

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At the entrance to the ICC, where people are waiting for Obama, young Israelis are posting the commitments that they are making and that they are asking Obama to make in order to achieve a two-state solution.

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TED Radio Hour, hosted by Guy Raz, is always filled with big ideas from amazing thinkers, performers, dreamers and others. This episode is called the Unquiet Mind, and you will hear the voices of extraordinary people like neurologist Oliver Sacks, the writer Jon Ronson, Psychologist (and diagnosed schizophrenic) Ellyn Saks and others.

Happy Listening!



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The Israel Democracy Institute published the graph below in their 2013 Peace Index. It points to the danger that we face as younger generations grow more skeptical and cynical and have a harder time visualizing peace than older generations. This is particularly alarming because the younger generations usually have more faith in the opportunity for change in the future.











Spotted by Daniel Lubetzky, by Julianna Storch

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New research finds that the Mediterranean diet, rich with olive oil and nuts, significantly improves heart health. Read the full WSJ story after the jump.

Spotted by Daniel Lubetzky, by Julianna Storch


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Joel Braudold, Strategic Partnerships Officer for the One Voice Movement, makes the case that the new Israeli leaders should focus their efforts on solving the settlement problem before worrying about the ultra-Orthodox population. Read his full Haaretz piece after the jump.

Spotted by Daniel Lubetzky, by Julianna Storch


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Ron Ben Yishai described in this piece a 4-phase Palestinian plan to achieve Statehood without having to give up the right of return or recognize Israel as the homeland of the Jewish people or otherwise end claims.  This may end up being the only way to get to a Palestinian state given the lack of leadership on the Israeli and Palestinian sides. That plan is arguably superior to the status quo.  But it is far inferior to a negotiated resolution where both sides can improve their position through compromise, and where both peoples’ can fulfill their aspirations and build vibrant societies. Absent a negotiated agreement, I fear that maximalism on both sides will continue to cause violence.  Without an agreement where two peoples achieve two states, the region will be balkanized and condemned to ethnic violence for decades or centuries.


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“The fragrance always remains on the hand that gives the rose.”

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Business of Fashion selects Maiyet‘s film, “Sleepwalking in the Rift” as one of the top 10 fashion films of the season. The BOF team writes that the film “succeeds in evoking a powerful mood that adeptly conveys the Maiyet brand.”

Spotted by Daniel Lubetzky, by Julianna Storch

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Lindsay Levin’s extraordinary book, Invisible Giants, highlights those who overcome obstacles to change the world around them.


Read a review of Invisible Giants, written by One Voice Europe Executive Director, John Lyndon after the jump. [Read more →]

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