The absurd alliance of Argentina and Iran to jointly investigate a 1994 terrorist attack against the Buenos Aires Jewish Community Center circumvents justice channels by allowing Iranians to absolve themselves of any blame from the prosecutor’s chair. Andres Oppenheimer further explores the complexities in his Miami Herald piece after the jump.

Spotted by Daniel Lubetzky, by Julianna Storch


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This chilling New York Times article about the fatal consequences of prescription medications designed for ADHD reveals scary truths about the drugs and their side effects. Perhaps more frightening, however, is many doctors’ lack of attention or thorough examination of a patient before prescribing and renewing prescriptions for potentially harmful psychiatric drugs.

Spotted by Daniel Lubetzky, by Julianna Storch


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Scott Pelley takes 3 Holocaust survivors on a tour of Nazi archives never before revealed to the public in this 60 Minutes segment.

Spotted by Daniel Lubetzky, by Julianna Storch

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Desperate to make their son feel better, this couple tried an alternative route to healing, and the results are surprising. Read the full New York Times story.

Spotted by Daniel Lubetzky, by Julianna Storch

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Quote of the Week: Smile!

Published under Favorite Quotes Feb 01, 2013

“Smiles cost less and emit more light than electricity”
– Scottish proverb,
shared by Daniel’s uncle George

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I love Joshua Foer’s writing, and this beautiful piece is no exception.



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Wedding Dress Ready with KIND

Published under KIND Snacks Jan 25, 2013

Brides-to-be get a helpful hint from Nutritionist Stephanie Middleberg as they try to stick to Redbook‘s Wedding Dress Challenge in preparation for their big day. For breakfast on the go, Middleberg recommends KIND bars. ”Ingredients are the whole point of breakfast,” she says. “It’s important to make sure you’re eating real foods and not junk.” That’s why we make KIND bars with ingredients that you can see AND pronounce!

By Julianna Storch

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“Objects were made to be used;
People were made to be loved;
Our world takes a wrong turn when
people are used and objects are loved”

– Anonymous
from a compilation sent by Daniel’s uncle George
(translated from Spanish)

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Food Fraud

Published under Food Industry, Health Jan 25, 2013

Food Business News reports a recent spike in food fraud records. Consumers are often deceived when the ingredients on food packaging does not accurately reflect what’s inside. As awareness of these problems increase, hopefully the instances of food fraud will decrease to create a more honest and transparent food industry.

Spotted by Daniel Lubetzky, by Julianna Storch


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A Strained Relationship

Published under Israel, United States Jan 21, 2013

Israeli Diplomat Alon Pinkas publicly berates Prime Minister Netanyahu for jeopardizing Israel’s vital alliance with the United States in his Yedioth Ahronot piece. Read Pinkas’s full article after the jump.

Spotted by Daniel Lubetzky, by Julianna Storch


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