FitnessThe Daily BeastCBS , and many more have chosen to Snack and Give Back with KIND this holiday season. Everyone loves KIND cubes curated by Arianna Huffington, Bobbi Brown, and Grace Potter as a delicious and healthy holiday gifts for family and friends!


Spotted by Daniel Lubetzky, by Julianna Storch

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We must not, in trying to think about how we can make a big difference, ignore the small daily differences we can make which, over time, add up to big differences that we often cannot foresee.

–Marion Wright Edelman

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Check out this hilarious promotional video for The company’s fun sense of humor also extends to their blog contests that engage its consumers with hilarious contests.

Spotted by Daniel Lubetzky, by Julianna Storch

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“We make a living by what we get,
But we make a life by what we give.”
-Sir Winston Churchill

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Maiyet‘s mission to cultivate business and craft in unexpected places brought the team to Kenya, where director Cary Fukunaga created a beautiful East African love story in Sleepwalking in the Rift.

Spotted by Daniel Lubetzky, by Julianna Storch

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Joshua Cooper Ramo examined the reverse course of globalism in his Fortune Magazine article. Whereas we once reached outwards, we have now shifted inwards with a need to know what’s inside of all aspects of our lives. To illustrate his point, Ramo highlighted one of the defining features of KIND Healthy Snacks that sets the brand apart, KIND’s transparency. Clear wrappers allow consumers to see the ingredients that make up the snacks they eat in an age when everyone wants to know what’s inside.

Spotted by Daniel Lubetzky, by Julianna Storch

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My friend Fred Schaufeld auto-replied with the following message out of an email account he no longer uses (presumably because it was flooded by junk):


I now only use this account for stupid jokes, chain letters, and pornography as well as purchases of Viagra (and “V1agra”) discount home mortgages (and “mort gages”), credit repair, special deals from Nigeria, and senders whose names begin with “Honorable,” “Mrs.” or “Greetings,” or end their requests with “Faithfully”. I will forward all chain letters (to at least 16 people); agree with all political outrages; purchase all products and review all pornography (two times) to assure that it doesn’t violate my community’s standards. However, if you want a personal response, please contact me at one of my other email addresses. If you do not know them, please send me your bank information so that I may transfer to you $25 Million USD from my war-torn country.

Faithfully yours,
Mrs. Smith

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The people of Dar Sallah were joined by Palestinian leaders and activists to plant more than 1,000 olive trees in the newly establish Peace Park in Bethlehem. With the public contribution of peaceful tree planting, One Voice Palestine worked to promote the concept of personal responsibility and engagement among Palestinian people to encourage state building in peace with Israel. The following video captures the power of this remarkable event.

Spotted by Daniel Lubetzky, by Julianna Storch

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Quote of the Week: Managing Time

Published under Favorite Quotes Nov 30, 2012

“ I see time as sailors see wind, or photographers see light,
as something to use, manage, and shape,
not as something to be a victim of, or to see go by.”

- as written by my friend Martin Varsavsky in his LinkedIn article

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Snack & Give Back with Bobbi Brown

Published under KIND Snacks Nov 29, 2012

Makeup Mogul and KINDAHOLIC Bobbi Brown gave KIND cubes a make over for KIND’s first ever Snack and Give Back campaign. Her EAT PRETTY POWERFUL cubes empower women to embrace and enhance their unique beauty, not only through the makeup they wear, but also the ways they choose to live, eat and give back.“There’s a lot more to beauty than what we apply to our face. Like KIND, I believe that it’s about how you treat your body and what you put in it. When you eat healthy, it shows: your skin looks clearer, your eyes look brighter and you have more energy. It’s as simple as that,” explained Bobbi. In her cube, Bobbi included her four favorite delicious and healthy flavors, Dark Chocolate Nuts & Sea Salt, Cashew & Ginger Spice, Dark Chocolate Cinnamon Pecan, and Madagascar Vanilla Almond. A portion of sales of the cube will help KIND fund a new KIND Kitchen at the Broome Street Academy, an organization that Bobbi personally supports. Broome Street Academy is a public charter high school that prepares New York City’s most vulnerable young people to graduate with Regents diplomas.

By Julianna Storch


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