High Fashion with High Impact

Published under Maiyet Jul 17, 2012

In the video below, Paul van Zyl and Kristy Caylor discuss the concept and achievements of the Maiyet brand in its first season with Christiane Amanpour. The Maiyet team has successfully created a fashion line of coveted luxury items from the craftsmanship of artisans in developing countries around the world. Kristy and Paul’s impeccable execution of this venture has enabled the Maiyet brand to stand out on the runway while simultaneously creating jobs and promoting peace in conflict-ridden regions.

Spotted by Daniel Lubetzky, by Julianna Storch

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An Iranian General passed a letter on to an opposition website that highlights the “Supreme Leader” insisting on pursuing nuclear weapons, on oppressing his citizens and ordering the killing of those who stood against abuses, and in fomenting a culture of abuse of power and corruption amongst his ruling elite. Read this story, as reported in The Guardian.

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The Washington Post published an in-depth article on “Where Obama failed on forging peace in the Middle East”, which I strongly recommend.

My analysis somewhat dovetails the article’s facts and insights:

1) When he ran for President, in contrast to Hillary Clinton’s campaign juxtaposing against Republican evil, Obama was able to transcend deep partisanship and get people to feel there was a better way that was not “Us Vs Them” but “all of Us” for a better future; for some sad reason, Obama never realized he could translate that same vision to the Middle East; he saw it as a zero sum game – build credibility with the Arabs, at the expense of the Israelis; he declined to stop over Jerusalem after his Cairo speech; that was a huge mistake; he should have built credibility with the Arabs and reassured them about his vision AND also reassure Israelis and build credibility with them – employing the OneVoice language and framework;

2) President Obama made a major tactical mistake that turned into a strategic blunder of the highest geopolitical order: he demanded a freeze in the West Bank AND all of East Jerusalem, something that Netanyahu realized would not fly with the Israeli or Jewish constituencies, so Netanyahu made Jerusalem his battle cry and sought to create a wedge to undermine the US Administration’s position; he masterfully focused on Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, not as occupied land, even though West Jerusalem where the capital is located was of course never at stake; Netanyahu put the entire spotlight on JERUSALEM; everyone forgot about the West Bank and the settlements that are clearly a problem for the vast majority of Israelis also; American Jewish opinion and Israeli opinion swerved assertively against the “anti-Jerusalem” demands; and Obama eventually retrenched; to this day the damage persists because now President Abbas cannot be less Palestinian that the US President was, and can’t demand anything less than Obama did. This misstep still resonates today. I was just in Israel and Palestine for meetings with several high level officials and this issue came up multiple times.

a. Most important, no US President should ask for something publicly prior to being certain that he can get it. It is like lawyers not asking questions at trial that they don’t already know the answer to!

3) Obama’s efforts focused solely on top-down government actions, rather than appealing to the People, and partnering with the People. Everyone keeps blaming political representatives for their lack of leadership. But we are mum about the responsibilities of the millions of Israeli and Palestinian – and international – citizens who want to end the conflict. We need to find a way to vest the people with the power and responsibility that they have. And then to unleash their goodwill in a concrete and constructive way. At the PeaceWorks Foundation we are working precisely on such a plan. So stand by!

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This YouTube video below is a funny satire on its own. But it becomes dangerously hilarious when I tell you that on my most recent trip to Ramallah, a couple friends showed it to me as proof that Facebook was a CIA subsidiary. They were serious. And they thought the video was real. Which should make us all wonder more frequently how American entertainment gets interpreted and absorbed across the globe. That is just one more reason why I can’t stand the Kardashian empire. Back when Sex and the City and the Sopranos were at their top, I happened to be traveling through Sri Lanka on a PeaceWorks venture and remember how all my Singhalese and Tamil friends were awestruck at the violence and promiscuity of Americans, assuming all they saw was truly reflective of American society. Then again, Sex and the City did eventually actually change American society to make Brazilian bikini waxes and thongs standard fare. So the joke is probably on us!

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“Vision is the art of seeing what is invisible to others”
-Jonathan Swift

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Savored Bites

Published under KIND Snacks Jul 13, 2012

Have you ever wondered which KIND bar flavors Daniel likes most? This foodspring interview reveals Daniel’s favorite flavors as well as his other treasured culinary delights.

By Julianna Storch

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KRAVE-ing the BEST Jerky

Published under Food Industry Jul 09, 2012

Check out Larry Olmsted’s discovery of KRAVE Jerky in ‘Best American Food Trends‘ in Forbes. Olmstead writes, “It is simply the best packaged jerky I have ever tasted.”
I recently invested in the company because I too LOVE the snack’s exceptional quality and admire how KRAVE is redefining what jerky can be, just as KIND redefined the healthy snack and nutrition bar categories, and more recently the granola and cereal category. I recommend KRAVE’s Basil Citrus flavor. It’s refined, elegant, elevated, and bursting with flavor!

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This dialogue with Gershon Baskin, Chairman of the Israeli-Palestinian Centre For Research and Information (ICPRI), provides an informative history and analysis of past and future attempts at peace between Israel and Palestine. From his insights, we learn that we need to empower the moderates to change the reality and create a lasting peace at this opportune time.

Spotted by Daniel Lubetzky, by Julianna Storch


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This article and the underlying study reaffirm that nutritionally rich low glycemic foods are the key to preventing weight gain, as opposed to obsessing about less calories and avoiding healthy fats from nuts or proteins in favor of carbohydrates that may have less calories per gram but will keep you hungry and spike up your sugar levels. That is why at KIND we avoid empty calories and we focus on minimally processed nutritionally rich ingredients you can see and pronounce.

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Dr. Oz’s Secret

Published under Media and Alternative Media Jul 09, 2012

The New York Times ran this article about the power Dr. Oz (who I count as a dear friend) has in increasing magazine sales when he is on the cover, and the extraordinary success his TV show and persona have achieved. While the article accurately highlights some of the reasons behind his success – ie, that he commands trust and is attractive and a versatile medical authority – I think his single greatest strength is his authenticity as a human being. He is extremely down to earth, loyal, and a truly good human being who wants to help others, always. And viewers and readers can sense it.

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