Published under ‘world’

The Mind Unleased: New research from the Aerospace Institute of the University of Stuttgart in Germany supports the theory that water has a memory—a claim that could change our whole way of looking at the world. Does water have memory? Can it retain an “imprint” of energies to which it has been exposed? This theory was [...]

At Food for Tomorrow NYT conference where Chef Dan Barber made all food from repurposed and rejected food ingredients and scraps. It is delicious – and makes a big point.

The flight from reality

Published under Leadership, United States Oct 20, 2015

I may not agree with all the conclusions or proposals in the article, but I certainly agree with need to discuss and address these issues head on. By Robert J. Samuelson We have all manner of policy proposals from the Democratic and Republican presidential candidates, but there’s a sobering disconnect between what they’re advocating and [...]

By Fareed Zakaria, Thursday, October 8, 2015 Recent setbacks in Afghanistan — from the fall of Kunduz to the errant U.S. bombing of a hospital in that city — again raise a question. Why, after 14 years of American military efforts, is Afghanistan still so fragile? The country has a democratically elected government widely viewed [...]

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, September 21, 2015 Obesity rates at or above 30 percent in 42 states for Blacks, 30 states for Latinos, 13 states for Whites. Washington, D.C.—United States adult obesity rates remained mostly steady―but high―this past year, increasing in Kansas, Minnesota, New Mexico, Ohio and Utah and remaining stable in the rest, according [...]

The Pope is an inspiring figure and such a ray of light, welcoming, inclusive, and progressive. What he represents and stands for is so necessary as an antidote to a lot of what is wrong with society today – extremism, intolerance, absolutism, rejection-ism, etc.  It is also wonderful that the admirable Rabbi Cosgrove  of Park [...]

For the remainder of my days, I will remember exactly where I was when I heard these words spoken. It was twenty years ago this fall, and the voice was that of Eitan Haber, the Prime Minister’s bureau chief, outside the gates of Tel Aviv’s Ichilov hospital just a short time after Rabin was declared [...]

Will Israel’s prime minister recognize that his country faces more than one threat to its existence? By Jeffrey Goldberg, Sep 13, 2015 A congregational rabbi, an acquaintance of mine, called the other day in search of sermon advice in advance of Rosh Hashanah. This particular rabbi leans right ritually and left politically. His question: How do I [...]

Since the Iran nuclear deal was announced in mid-July, the world has been treated to an unusual historic spectacle. As President Obama was busy twisting congressional arms to prevent repudiation of the agreement, the Iranian regime has been systematically humiliating him. Almost immediately, bulldozers began sanitizing the Parchin nuclear complex, where Iran is suspected to [...]

Muslims Must Combat the Extremist Cancer

Published under Religion Sep 01, 2015

As the group that calls itself Islamic State, known as ISIS, continues to produce carnage in the Middle East, Muslims must confront the totalitarian ideology that animates it and other terrorist groups. Every terrorist act carried out in the name of Islam profoundly affects all Muslims, alienating them from fellow citizens and deepening the misperceptions [...]