Published under ‘world’

Legislation making its way through the US Congressional process is finally addressing financing of Hezbollah.  The US Government is finally targeting banks, individuals and institutions that fund and do business with terrorist groups and their proxies, including incendiary stations like Al Manar.  It is important to double down on this track, so funders of terror [...]

The hottest year in recorded history is coming to a close with a wave of extreme weather and ecosystem shifts, from unprecedented flooding in the United Kingdom to dangerous deluges in South America. Looking back at 2015, it is clear that such extremes are not the exception, but have been the rule for the past [...]

I think of myself first and foremost as an American. I’m proud of that identity because as an immigrant, it came to me through deep conviction and hard work, not the accident of birth. I also think of myself as a husband, father, guy from India, journalist, New Yorker and (on my good days) an [...]

In 1972, during Richard Nixon’s visit to China, Premier Zhou Enlai was asked what he thought about the French Revolution. He responded, “Too early to tell”. His answer is celebrated to this day as an illustration of the supposed Chinese ability—and the Western need—to take the long view of history. In fact, Enlai wasn’t really [...]

By KAMEL DAOUD Black Daesh, white Daesh. The former slits throats, kills, stones, cuts off hands, destroys humanity’s common heritage and despises archaeology, women and non-Muslims. The latter is better dressed and neater but does the same things. The Islamic State; Saudi Arabia. In its struggle against terrorism, the West wages war on one, but shakes hands [...]

For years I’ve advocated and explained that terrorist groups like Al Qaeda or ISIS do not represent true Islam, and that they try to hijack a religion of peace in the name of their deformed inhumane extremist ideology. I explain that it would play into their strategy to deem Islam itself as the problem, and [...]

A piece by Sri Bhagavan

Published under Global, Life Nov 18, 2015

My sister shared this note with me. It is from an “avatar” that is the founder of the Oneness movement. Often,  I find these things a bit out there, but these words really spoke to me…. “What can we do as individuals in the face of inhuman violence, terrorism?” “We wake up to another day’s [...]

We are here for all of us – Alicia Keys

Published under Global, Life Nov 17, 2015

A beautiful song by Alicia Keys.