as confirmed by a new study by the Mayo Clinic
Archive for the ‘Health’ Category
Fructose and High Fructose Corn Syrup – More Evidence of the Harm they Cause
Published under Health Oct 18, 2008Quote of The Week: Spirituality is in One’s Ability to Make Others Smile
Published under Family, Favorite Quotes, Health, KIND Snacks, Religion Oct 09, 2008From an email I got from my sister:
Spirituality is a direct measure of how much joy we experience in our lives…It is not how much we pray, meditate, prostrate ourselves; it is in direct connection to how much joy we give to others that surround us, and how much joy we experience ourselves."
- Guru Baghavan
I have no idea who this Guru is, but I liked the sentiment, expounded on by my sister Ileana in her email:
I really believe that. The people that I consider the most spiritual also are the ones who had the greatest capacity to laugh, to joke, to love others, to make someone’s day better even if they were perfect strangers.
This sentiment is at the core of our work with KIND ambassadors and the KINDED campaign.
Rachael Ray thinks KIND is DE-LI-CIOUS
Published under Health, KIND Snacks, Media and Alternative Media, PeaceWorks Business Oct 06, 2008Rachael Ray, host of the second highest rated daytime show behind Oprah with an average daily audience of 2.6 million people, discovered KIND bars and passionately praised them:
These are DE-LI-CIOUS… …Yum. They are sooo good… …And they are delicious and very nutritious.
- Rachael Ray
The Visible Slap from Relative Performance Pressures
Published under Economics, Entrepreneurship and Management, Health, United States Oct 05, 2008Robert Frank provides an elegantly simple explanation of the individual and collective behaviors & motivations that cause asset bubbles, and the means to prevent them.
Here’s an interesting article about mistakes to avoid when trying to teach children to eat healthful foods…
September 15, 2008
6 Food Mistakes Parents Make , NYT
As warned in this earlier post, companies like Coke, Cadbury and Kraft have so abused the term "natural" that they are gradually destroying its meaning. It is really upsetting that they dupe consumers with products containing High Fructose Corn Syrup and other ingredients that are harmful and cause diabetes and obesity. It is even more upsetting that their misleading advertising causes mistrust in good products and causes consumers to lose faith in the "natural" claim.
Fruit for the needy from your garden
Published under Economics, Health, Philanthropy, United States Sep 15, 2008Nice example of grassroots social entrepreneurship to help the poor – follows the biblical tradition of sharing some crops with the poor, with a twist.
American Michelangelo
Published under Art, Europe, Funnies, Health, Marketing, United States Sep 15, 2008Quote of the Week: Ben Stein on Losing our Day Dreams to the Cellphone
Published under Anthropology, Favorite Quotes, Health, Science and Technology Sep 07, 2008Consider our beloved young people… They walk in rows of three, each on a cellphone, not even talking to the people next to her.
I keep thinking of my happiest moments of youth, walking along… coming home from [s]chool. I could smell the leaves burning in the late fall, think the long thoughts that young people are supposed to have, and dream of my adult life, when I would have the love of a great woman and a Corvette. Those were moments of power.
Now, there is no thought or reverie. There is nothing but gossip and making plans to shop or watch television. The cellphone and the P.D.A. have basically replaced thought.
From Ben Stein, Everybody’s Business, New York Times