I was struck at this Fancy Food Show at how many companies are starting to tie their new products to commitments to give donations to social causes.
You’d think that is great and to be encouraged, but I was quite turned off, because it was so clear that to a lot of these companies it was not a true mission with sincerity of purpose, but a shallow gimmick.
The concept of "we donate X% of our profits to Y Cause" is being manipulated to the detriment of efforts that are sincere and real. I wish some third party organization fostering transparency in socially responsible business behavior would audit/inspect claims in this field.
I asked a few of them which organizations they donated to, or how much they had donated, and most said, "well, we are not profitable yet, so we haven’t donated anything." [And some had been in business for a few years already]
Isn’t it unethical to claim you are donating something when you are not? Ok, you are not profitable yet? And you can’t find it logical to donate something? Then you are not entitled to make the claim that you are donating!